Chapter 92- time with mates

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"(Y/N) we're going to be late. Come on get up." I say, trying to awaken our sleeping mate who'd happily curled up in Kookie's arms and gone to sleep last night. I don't want to wake her up, disturb the two who are happily snuggling in their sleep, legs intertwined and her head cushioned on his chest. But if I don't wake her now then she'll have no time for breakfast, and the thought of her heading to a long class without having eaten anything just doesn't sit right with me. Nor with the hyungs, which is why they're already bustling about downstairs making breakfast.

"Baby up you get." I murmur, shifting closer so I can gently shake her awake.

She blinks her eyes open slowly, a soft red as she looks at me before it vanishes.

"My alarm hasn't gone off yet." She murmurs sleepily, slowly sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

I glance at her phone. It's not set to go for another half an hour, but that would mean she had only left time to get dressed and leave.

"You need to eat. Come on, out you get." I say softly, trying not to stir Kookie who's still sleeping.

She nods, slowly untangling her legs from his but before she slips out, leans forward to press a kiss to his head.

"Let's go." She says, following me out of the room. And as we leave, Tae sleepily makes his way down the hallway, mumbling a drowsy 'good morning' as he heads into the room we've just left, clearly going to sleep next to Kookie.

We part ways to get dressed and it's as I'm tucking into my bowl of cereal, she reappears making her way around to greet everyone a good morning before pouring herself a glass of juice, content to hop onto the counter, legs swinging as Yoongi hyung continues to man the stove.

"Go eat." He says, trying to nudge her towards the table but she shakes her head, remaining there and watching him cook- giggling as Hobi hyung and Jin hyung by turn leave their own places where they're making parts of breakfast, to give her kisses and hugs, her legs wounding loosely around them to keep them there.

"Sweetheart, eat something." Hobi hyung tries to no success.

She shakes her head.

"Not hungry." She replies, offering her glass to him instead.

He shakes his head, bringing the glass to her lips to let her continue sipping at the juice.

"You've got a long class. You don't want to go on an empty stomach." Jin hyung says, trying again to get her to join me and Joon hyung at the table where we've begun breakfast.

But it turns out it doesn't matter, not when Yoongi hyung keeps feeding her bites of food as he cooks, bringing up fresh pieces of French toast to her mouth, or a forkful of fruit- her lips parting easily to let him feed her. And when her glass is empty, she hops down- though I'm sure I'm not the only one who notices the counter lowering itself in height- to make sure she doesn't injure herself.

And she calls out a cheery goodbye to them all before tugging me alongside her, hand intertwined with hers- our bags already waiting near the shoe rack.

"Let's go then darling." I say as we begin the small walk to the bus stop- the bus ride allowing us to get off close to campus.

And this time when the stares come, (Y/N) seems unfazed by them, refusing to lower her head and avert her gaze from any of the penetrative malicious eyes, nor does she unwound her hand from mine as we walk. She's showing them that she's not going to let their words and silent judgements bring her down and I wonder whether after telling us about her identity- it had made it easier for her to deal with something which in her eyes has become less significant.

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