Chapter 27- moving forward

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As much as it hurts, with an ache that seems endless and a gaping void in my soul, to see Jiminie hyung cry- eyes widened with the conclusion he's come to, there's still more to say. We still haven't gotten to the full story, and even if we're all hurting- it's not fair to hold it from them. The truth which is that I had been the first one to ever see her, to come across her- and unwittingly let her go without realising that she was our final mate.

Now is the time.

"Hyungs I-I have something to say." I say nervously but whatever thoughts are plaguing their minds, whatever worries of their own they're reflecting on, they push them all aside, bodies shifting towards where I sit in between Tae's legs- looking at me with soft eyes.

Tae hyung's arms squeeze gently about me, a silent reassurance to go ahead and speak.

I fidget briefly but suck in a deep breath.

"I was the first one to ever meet (Y/N). Do you guys remember the time I told you about the café shop incident?" I say softly, mind whirring with the realisation- that all this time, all this time she had been right there, and I'd never realised.

There's the sound of a muffled groan.

"You're telling me that the human from the incident, the human who had placed themselves in between and ended up getting hurt was (Y/N)?!" Yoongi hyung asks incredulously, as if he can't dare to believe it, eyes wide and glimmering with an almost hysterical look.

I nod.

There's a terse silence. And this is it, the whole truth is out.

"Actually when I finally heard her voice, at the Ims' nest, I realised where I'd heard that voice before. There was something so distinctive about her voice- it had been in class. Where during a debate she'd taken the side of vampires and not the humans. She agreed that humans should carry more blame, she spoke up without prejudice. Even if it might've earned her some enemies within her own kind and some interest from the vampire students." Joon hyung adds, and I know I'm not mistaking the admiration that steeps his words. The way his eyes shine with excitement- that someone was unafraid to speak up, and that someone was (Y/N).

"Wow....she's really something. Hyung how many more proofs do you need? How much more do we need to say, to show you that she's not like the others? Even though I hadn't gone upto her, she came and brought me hot chocolate on a cold night when I went to the convenience store. She gave it to me even though she knew I was Yoongi hyung's mate." Hobi hyung adds, turning to look at Yoongi hyung with a pleading expression and divulging yet another instance of her having been gentle and unhesitant to interact, to provide comfort- even through a small gesture.

Yoongi hyung shifts uneasily under the weighted stare of the six of us, not meeting anyone's eyes.

Hobi hyung sighs, resigned at what he's about to say.

"Do you know what hyung? She was surprised when I apologised that you judged without knowing the full story. She expected me to act the same way." He adds, in a tone that is pained- because our mate was expecting the same cold approach that Yoongi hyung had given her at the mall.

Hyung stiffens.

And without another word gets to his feet.

"I need some time alone." He mutters even as Jin hyung reaches out for him, side-stepping with a small sad smile, shaking his head at whatever question lies in Jin hyung's eyes and then he vanishes up the stairs.

And what's left behind are small sniffles from Jiminie hyung, who's soft cheeks are now a deep pink, eyes glistening with tears. He makes no move to wipe them, he's sitting there as if he's shocked, stunned into a statue state.

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