Chapter 43. I'm Crazy for You

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Tyler's phone begins vibrating on the desk violently, cutting me off. 

"I'm sorry, it's from work," he mutters, giving me an apologetic expression. 

"It's alright," I smile back as he walks back over to his desk and picking up his phone. 


I purse my lips awkwardly while Tyler speaks on the phone, and my eyes wander over his room. There are packs of papers splayed out on his desk which is usually empty.

"What? No, that's not what Claire told me," Tyler hisses into his phone.


Probably a secretary or something I reassure myself.

"No. You know what? Just cancel that meeting, we need to focus on Marks deal now anyway," he mutters.

"Okay. Bye."

"You seem very busy," I smile softly as he tosses his phone onto his bed. 

"Don't even remind me," he chuckles, rolling his eyes. 

"Well, let me not hold you from your work anymore, I just wanted to come fix things between us."

"You won't listen won't you," he smiles.

I grin back, walking over to his door.

"Are you sure you need to leave?" Tyler frowns.

"Yes, I'm sure, Tyer. Besides, you seem busy with your work, I don't want to distract you." I smile back nervously. 

"Hey, Sydney," Tyler calls out once I reach his door.

I turn back, "Yes?"

"Would know...would you like to go out sometime? For dinner?"

I smile, trying to hide the tints in my cheek, "Like on a date?"

"Yes," he smiles back, "A proper date."

He's fucking doing it again. He's giving me an expression I've never seen. A smile that has never crossed his face. And I've yet to understand it. 

The smile that makes me feel so many things. 

"I'd love to," I smile back.

"I'll text you when the day."

"Perfect. I'll see you then," I reply, opening his door and stepping out. I close the door slowly, refraining from doing a happy dance until I'm in the safety of my own room. 

~ ~ ~

I swear, I'm the most pathetic girl on this planet.

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