Chapter 2. Truth or Dare?

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"Michael! Adam! Run!" I shriek before dashing down the hallway. The boys catch up to me, and when I look back, sure enough, the security guards are running after us like madmen.

We dash down the second hallway before the three of us do a 180 when we see security officers from the other side. Running together with one clean swoop of his arms and all three of us hightail out of the back doors as fast as fucking possible and across the school campus like our asses were on fire.

Michael's black Jeep comes in sight, situated in the empty parking lot and we all increase our speed towards the car.

"I thought you said the school was empty!" I squawk loudly with a nasty hiss as we dash across the parking lot.

"I thought it was!" Michael shoots back, and I feel the bottom of my worn-out converse hit the black tarmac.

"Stop right there you three!" the security guards shout behind us, their nasally voices reverberate, echoing through the crisp night air.

As we reach the car, I admittedly attempted to slide over the bonnet as Tom Cruise does in his movies.

Key word: attempted.

Subsequently, I end up rolling off the slippery hood of the car and land on my ass.

I hear the car start from behind me, and one of the security guards reaches down to me, yanking at my arm, but Adam is quick, kicking him in the face and the guard lets go of me yelping in pain. Adam helps me into the car, before flying into the backseat through the open window.

My stupidity almost got us caught.

"DRIVE!" Adam screams when the guards get to us, banging on the windows and ordering us to get out.

Michael reverses out of the parking lot, before he turns the car and speeds out of the school gates. Michael doesn't stop driving, jumping three red lights.

There's no trace of the security guards behind us, and Michael stops at the park in my neighbourhood.

"Michael, what the fuck," I hiss turning to him.

"I didn't know they were there!" Michael argues back.

I sigh, "Get us home, Michael. We need to skip school tomorrow."

"No, you idiot," he shakes his head.

"I'm pretty sure the guards are going to tell the school there was a break in today, what will they think when the three of us mysteriously skip?"

"I'll pick you guys up in the morning, no one must know about this," he says, pulling up in front of Adam and I's house.

"Do Samantha and Justin even know?"

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