Chapter 64. Dancing In The Dark

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"What's got you looking so depressed?" Jason asks, slipping into the barstool beside me.

I shrug, "I'm not."

"Sure. What do you say, we celebrate your friend's engagement with a little bit of Fire Ball?" he gives me a dazzling grin.

"No," I chuckle. "We both know how that ended last time."

"Yeah, but you can't say you didn't have fun."

I eye him warily.

"Oh come on, it'll get that depressed look off your face."

"Is there anything besides Fire Ball to drink? I'd rather not cook my throat tonight," I tell him.

"Come on, when you're with me, we drink Fire Ball in recognition of your wet dream fiasco."

"When are you going to forget about that?" I ask, watching him as he orders the shot glasses from the waiter in front of us.

He turns to me with a mocking look on his face, "Am I really going to have a threesome in my first wet dream?" he tries quoting me in a ridiculously squeaky voice.

I cover my face with my hands in embarrassment.

"I'm just joking with you. Come on, our Fire Ball is here."

He slides a shot glass towards me, before picking up one in front of him, "Cheers."

"Cheers," I can't help but grin with a sigh, before clinking my glass with his and gulping down the liquid without thinking.

"Fuck," I hiss, resisting the urge to grab my throat at the burning sensation.

"Ohhh nooo," I groan as he slides me another shot glass, "I can't even feel my mouth anymore."

I slide the little glass back towards him.

He slides it back.

"Jason, is it your mission to get me back drunk?" I whine as I slide it back.

"When you're with Jason, you have a good time. If that means you should be intoxicated with Fire Ball, then so be it." I watch him as he slides the glass back.

Jason makes it hard for you to argue with him. No wonder he's best friends with Tyler.

"You know, I thought you wouldn't talk to Brandon and me tonight," he tells me.

I scrunch my face up as I down the glass in defeat.

"I-" my throat burns as I try to form words.

"Why wouldn't I talk to you?"

"Well, we are Tyler's only friends, and since you aren't talking to him..."

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