Vol.9 Ch.15: Calming Down

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Kai and Vincent retreated all the way to the Turret. Despite the multiple hiccups, Vincent successfully rescued Kai. That was good and all. But...

"Damn, I was so close," Kai cursed through her teeth. "If your stupid wall didn't get in the way, I would've killed him."

"Then, his minions would've killed you."

"Hmph, who knows. I could've gotten away."

"I find that hard to believe," Vincent insisted. "You were so focused on the fight that you didn't see anything around you. It's like you were locked inside a Reality Marble."

"No idea what's that, but yeah, I got a little one-tracked there," Kai frowned. Thinking about it, she should've taken the minions into consideration even before she delivered the first attack. But, murderous thoughts raged in her mind and clouded her judgment.

"Yet again, the Pheromone Buster possessed you," Vincent shook his head. "You let the anger control you. That leads to the Dark Side, young Padawan."

"Oh, shush already," Kai threw him a look. She finished clearing the minion wave and began recalling. "I'm going back to heal."

"I hope you'll also use this time to cool down."

"I'm calm."

"Indeed, as calm as a raging tornado that spins at the speed of light."

"What does that even... Eh, forget it," Kai sighed. "I'm calm. I just felt like playing a little aggressive this time, that's all. I knew that bastard is all bark and no bite. I had to put him in his place."

"And, you didn't deem it important to inform your Support about any of this?"

"Ah, that's..." Kai didn't have a rebuttal this time.

"With all due respect," Vincent started. "The way you played reminds me of one young and inexperienced troublemaker. She had a short-fuse and never cooperated with her teammates, always carrying everything on her own shoulders. I had the distinct impression that said troublemaker grew past such problems, but it appears I was gravely mistaken."

"Do you have to talk like some pretentious poet?" Kai clicked her tongue. In truth, Vincent's words merely echoed the same exact thoughts Kai has been wrestling with.

Honestly? It was dumb of her to charge in like that as soon as the game started. She did have an early-game advantage, but that wasn't the right way to use it. An advantage should be used for crushing the opposition, not for suiciding on them and getting a double KO.

She could've cooperated with Vincent to increase the chances of securing a kill, but she didn't. Why? Because it was her fight. That chauvinist Pirate called her names, so Kai had to beat that bastard to a pulp with her own two hands.

Or, did she, really? What was the point? Aside from achieving a small vendetta, that sort of solo play had no value. Frankly, it was plain dumb.

Vince got a point. I'm playing like I did at the beginning of the year. Kai cast her gaze downwards. What did she train on for the past few months? Why did she go out of her way to practice together with Yuel and Lars after school?

She thought she overcame this problem by now. Nowadays, she rarely got mad playing Ranked, even though most of her teammates were boys. These guys were alright. They all treated her as a serious player despite being a girl, so she started believing that boys were alright.

But, all it took was meeting one bastard. Everything came down crashing the moment she ran into TheLegend. Kai snapped at that bastard before she even realized she was getting mad. Naturally, the pressure of standing on a big stage didn't do her any favors either.

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