Vol.12 Ch.2: Resolutions After the First Scrimmage

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The long and exhausting match against Taurus came to an end. It was held on Friday, right before the weekend. As such, the team got two days to relax and rest after the intense scrimmage.

But, not Yuel. He had a lot of work cut out for him.

There were many things to review regarding the scrimmage. He had to carefully go over the entire match replay and jot down the main points of interest. The plan was to gather everybody on Monday and to go over all the details with them.

For that, he had to prepare a detailed presentation, accompanied by a document of timestamps for key plays from the replay. That should help everybody review what they had to work on, but...

That's not as efficient as we did it in StormBlitz. Yuel frowned. Honestly, I should've looked into video editing ahead of time. It's probably not that hard to combine simple cuts, but I can't summarize the scrimmage AND learn video editing from scratch in just two days.

Back in StormBlitz, match reviews were a big deal.

Aron was in charge of analyzing replays in detail, often accompanied by helpers for additional opinions. Yuel was one such frequent helper, so he learned a lot about the process. As such, if nothing else, he was confident in his ability to deconstruct the replay.

However, that wasn't the end of the process. After Aron compiled all the key points of the match and wrote down the timestamps of the important plays, he delivered those to a senior with video editing knowledge.

Said senior cut apart and stitched together the replay footage according to the timestamps, always making sure the camera was focused on the area of interest. It wasn't some awe-striking editing quality or anything like that, but it tremendously contributed to the match reviewing process.

Instead of pausing the review presentation every two minutes in order to skip ahead in the replay and find the right example, the edited video simply went over all the examples in the requested order. Sometimes, there were multiple such videos for a single scrimmage, split by different topics.

Looking back on it, these videos were valuable beyond measure. Yuel thought. Doing a simple presentation can't even begin to compare.

Not only did the video help the match review run smoother without wasting time and boring anybody, but it also made it easier for everybody to review the match again after the meeting.

Of course, they can always review it themselves by simply booting the game. The replay feature of Classmancers was quite robust and offered many tools like skipping ahead, slowing down, moving the camera, and so forth.

But, can I really trust anybody to go through all this trouble by themselves? Yuel sighed.

The replay feature was great and convenient, but searching for specific plays from specific angles was still a chore that not everybody was up to. Trever and Roi were the usual suspects on that front back in StormBlitz, and Lars was very much the same.

In our club, I think only Vincent will put in the effort. And, maybe Kai too, if she feels like it.

The team sometimes analyzed their own Ranked matches in detail, but most goofs couldn't be bothered to mess around with the replay feature. They all said it was "too complex" or "too bothersome". Lazy bums.

Well, they weren't exactly "lazy". They were competitive players who wanted to learn from their mistakes and improve, they really did. However, navigating inside the replay feature to find all the right moments was too much work for them.

That's why a complied video is so good. Yuel thought. It spares them the busywork and only gives them the details they're actually interested in.

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