Vol.9 Ch.30: All Hope Crushed at the Early-Game

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Frankly, Bryan pretty much gave up on the game at this point. A Dark Knight was dominating in Top, while Bruce has recently died in Bot. No matter how Bryan looked at the situation, things were looking bleak.

Nevertheless, the game went on. And, a loud bug was buzzing in Bryan's ear, demanding an answer for a stupid question.

"Hey, are ya listening? Got nothing to say for yourself, huh!?" Bruce kept rambling on and on, but Bryan didn't have the willpower to entertain that ungrateful dumbass. He came up with half-assed vague replies and tried his best to focus on the game.

The three enemies in Bot ventured into the Jungle.

"Enemies missing in Bot," Bryan reported. "They might be rotating to Mid."

"Or going for Dragon," Raymond suggested.

"Yeah, possible," Brayn agreed. "We gonna do anything about that, or...?"

"There's nothing we can do," Raymond said. "We're in a 3v5. They earned that Dragon."

"Hey, that Impaler is running low, right?" Dylan smirked. "I can probably kill her if I gank."

"Yes please!" Bruce jumped. "Do it! Kill that bitch! Do it now!"

"A good idea," Raymond said. "Except, how do you plan to escape from them without your ult."

"Touche," Dylan gave up the idea as quickly as he brought it up.

"Goddammit y'all," Bruce ranted. "Somebody, anybody, just shoot down that damn Impaler. Don't put all my hard work to waste!"

"Sorry, bro," Dylan apologized. "I think she's out of reach for now."

"Goddamit," Bruce finally gave the topic a rest. Though, he continued stomping with his foot mumbling to himself. The guy just couldn't get over it.

『An enemy defeated the Dragon!』

The message verified their suspicion. The enemy has taken the Dragon and there was nothing the team could do about that.

Shortly, the Impaler and Druid returned to Bot. Even though the Impaler was hanging on a thread, she refused to recall.

Girl got balls. Bryan laughed. It's as if the Impaler was inviting them to attack. If Dylan rotated to Bot right now, he and Bryan could finish off that gal together.

Oh wait, the Ninja is also here. Bryan noticed. Never mind then. We better avoid this fight.

Shortly, the next minion wave arrived and all three enemies pushed together. There was nothing Bryan could do about this development. He chose to stay on the lane with his 60% HP and defend, but his presence barely had any impact. He couldn't stand up to three enemies alone.

"C'mon, kill her! She's almost dead! Do it!" Bruce insisted and insisted and insisted.

"And how do you suggest I do that without dying?" Bryan didn't expect a real answer. He knew Bruce didn't really think things through. Bruh was just spouting salty nonsense.

The Impaler was ballsy. She chose to push instead of recalling to base, despite having only 20% HP. It looked like a terrible misplay at first glance, but it wasn't. In fact, recalling to base would have been the true misplay here, since she would've missed on this juicy opportunity to push hard.

Even though the girl was hanging onto 20% HP, there was no efficient way to kill her at the moment. Her two allies served as professional bodyguards, they'll shot down anybody who dared to approach. The Impaler must have chosen to push with that in mind. There was nothing Bryan could do about it.

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