Vol.13 Ch.30: Anticipated Counter

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Jin has already come up with a way to counter Ignis's aggressive setup. So, with how obvious she was about going for it again, it should be easy enough to turn the tables on her.

The counter-plan was as such: First, he'll crash into Ignis's Fearless Charge with his Shield Bash. The two of them will collide and come to a halt. That'll successfully thwart the first step of Ignis's plan.

But, that's not all. Shield Bash also inflicted stun, unlike Fearless Charge that only stunned the enemy when it shoved them into a wall. So, Ignis should be stunned after the collision. Yes, should be.

This interaction can be a little iffy sometimes. Jin admitted.

Shield Bash failed to stun when it didn't properly "move" the target. Therefore, depending on the specific angle of collision between Fearless Charge and Shield Bash - there was a chance Shield Bash will fail to "move" Ignis in a way that'll proc the stun.

It would be a shame, but it's not a big deal. Jin thought. I'll just have to adapt accordingly.

He already analyzed the two branching paths of the flowchart.

If the stun takes place, Jin will be in a great position for pressing the offense. He'd follow up with Blade Swing on the stunned prey, then drag her closer to his minions with his taunt skill.

In the other scenario, if Shield Bash fails to stun, then Jin will probably have to give up on Blade Swing. He'll most likely have to roll away to get out Ignis's range, depending on whether she'll respond with her ult right off the gate.

Both outcomes are manageable, so this is fine. Jin confirmed. Though, I suppose there is one more scenario, as unlikely as it is. I remember they patched Fearless Charge about a month ago, so she might take advantage of the new change. But, that shouldn't make a big difference either way.

Jin accounted for all the likely scenarios that could develop from this play. Now, all that's left was to execute his counter-plan.

Here it comes. Jin spotted the startup animation of Fearless Charge. His finger was already half-pressed on the key for Shield Bash, to unleash it as quickly as possible in response to Ignis's movements.

And so, he confidently charged forth with Shield Bash, aiming to clash with the Fearless Charge! However...

I see you there, kid! Ignis smirked. I had a feeling you'll try to pull something like this, so I'm ready!

Ignis canceled her Fearless Charge into Dodge Roll in less than half a second. The timing for this specific cancel was really strict, but it was something she practiced extensively as one of the few pros out there who dared to bring Warrior to the competitive scene.

The startup of Fearless Charge gave her initial momentum, from which she further accelerated with Dodge Roll. In a blink of an eye, her body shot past the incoming attacker!

You didn't expect this, did you? Ignis grinned. Of course not. They patched in this cancel like a month ago, and almost nobody appreciated it back then. But, I did!

As a Warrior enthusiast, Ignis saw the hidden potential of this tricky animation cancel. It was a great tool for catching opponents off guard, just like this!

Look who's behind you now! Ignis grinned as she recovered from the roll and booted Fearless Charge again, aiming at the target's back. Eat shit, you damn whippersnapper!

This was the best angle to attack from. Ignis was almost exactly behind the brat, so her Fearless Charge was going to push him deep into Ignis's territory. There, she'll force him into a fight and her minions will swarm the brat! Ignis was about to win this fight by a landslide!

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