where you first met

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You first met Nash at a Lacrosse game. He was playing away, which was at your school (you go to different schools). After the game you both bumped into each other, you seemed to have a connection and started talking non-stop for a couple hours. You both end up exchanging numbers.

You was called by your agent to audition for a new movie, It was going to be Romeo & Juliet but a ghetto version, it's like a romantic-comedy but more on the comedy side. You bumped into Cameron while you were in the queue waiting to audition and you talked for a bit. You got the part for Juliet and Cameron got the part for Romeo.

Jack G
You was out shopping with your Mum, you was waiting for her to come out of a shoe shop because she needed some new heels for work. You leaned back into the bench that faced the shop. Jack sees you and decides to keep you company since his mum was in the same shop. You both talked for a bit and instantly became friends.

You and Matt first met in school, when you were both five, ever since then you have been extremely close. People often think you are a couple, sometimes it gets awkward with each other when people say that, but sometimes you both find it cute.

You was at a car sale with your Dad. He was busy talking to a man about their cars, out of bordem you decided to go and make some vines of you annoying poeple. Taylor noticed you and you both started talking, you became friends. He decided to join you on your vining rampage.

Jack J
You and your group of friends decided to hang out at the basketball court, even though non of you could play. You noticed a group of boys making their way towards you. They asked if you wanted to play and you all agreed. You told Jack that you didn't know how to play, so he taught you and he became quite touchy-feely with you.

You was doing some voulenteer work at the animal shelter, since you loved animals so much. You noticed a boy about your age looking at a puppy through the glass. You made your way over to him and asked if he needed any help. You two got quite friendly and exchanged numbers.

You two have been friends for years, since the start of school. You both had a thing for each other but, you both agreed to never go out because you didn't want to ruin your friendship that you had built.

You was at an Ed Sheeran concert. You was really excited when you entered at first. He started to sing "Thinking out loud", and through the crowd one voice stood out, behind you was a tall boy singing like an angel, you turned around and told him how
good he was. You started talking which led to exchanging numbers.

You was grocery shopping with your sibling, your mum had told you to go together for 'bonding' purposes. You stopped to tie your shoe, and when you got back up, you got elbowed in the head by a cute a boy. He said sorry around one million times, the thing that caught your attention was how he gave you pet names like "babe" or "baby", you found it cute.

You was the the studio with your step-brother Jack Gilinsky. He was working on a song with one of his 'close' friends you have never met before. Nate comes round your home to hang out and chill, but for an odd reason you'd always be out when he is. You and Nate talked for ages and instantly became close.

You was out on the beach by yourself, because you wanted some alone time. You was laying on your tummy with your elbows propped up, holding a book that you was reading. A ball flew in quite hard and knocked the book out of your hands. Seconds later a boy comes running after the ball, apologising to you. He introduces himself and so do you, you talk for a while and exchange numbers. When you do you hear a group of boys wolf whistling.
"GET SOME KENNY!" one of the boys shout, causing you two laugh.

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