Nash Imagine

474 12 9

Your POV


"Young lady?"


I was snapped out of my thoughts by Mr. Bates. Ew at how he got under my skin.

I was currently sitting in maths, a subject I hate. I was being scolded by the teacher for not listening.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry to say but you'll be needing to do extra work and revision to keep your grade up." He says before handing my test back.


There it was, a big, fat, dirty F, written boldly alongside my name.

"What?!" I looked at it in disbelief, I know i wasn't good at maths, but I wasn't this bad. Usually I get C's? But F's? Never have I ever gotten an F, wow..

I looked up at the evil teacher who gave me an F because he's totally jealous of me because I have hair and he hasn't, and opened my mouth in shock.

"You'll be needing a tutor, as of most of this class. You're all failing, I don't know what happening to you kids but I surely don't like it."

I hear the rest of the kids groan and mumble amongst one another.

"-since most of you are good at some things in maths which others aren't, I've made a list of who you'll be partnered with."

I face palmed myself, hoping I'd not be with one of the snobby bitches sitting at the back, smacking their chewing gum between their buck teeth.

"Max and Andrea." Dammit, I wanted Andrea, I looked over to her desk and made a sad expression. Andrea's the only person I like in here.

"Leighla and Harriet." Aka bitch 1 and bitch 2.

He went through the list and called out my name. I looked up quickly to clearly hear him.

"Uh, (y/n) and.. Ah, Nash." Nash?

"Nash?" I asked.

"Yes, Nash Grier, the new kid, he has been here for two days now I think." Mr Bates points at the kid at the far side of the classroom. Two days and I haven't noticed him yet? Well, to be honest I hate everyone at school anyway so I keep myself to myself. He gives me a small smile. I smile back at him.

I noticed he had stunning blue eyes. He had pale skin that contrasted against his eyes and dark hair, he was actually really good looking.

He looked back at me and caught me staring, I looked around the classroom, playing it off cool like I wasn't staring at him. All the girls were looking at him, like he was some type of million dollar piece of artwork, hanging on a museum wall with maximum security.

I looked back over to him, he was already looking at me. I smiled again, so did he, but before looking away, he winked at me before returning back to looking at the board infront.

After a about 40 minutes, the bell went off, indicating lunch had started.

I got up and started to pack my things away. Before I tucked my chair under my desk, I felt someone tap me on my shoulder.

I turned and faced Nash. Goddamn he was attractive af, and tall holy shit.

"Hey." He smiled sheepishly.

"Hello." I giggled, I could feel the bitchy girls eyes on me, walking past us, flipping their hair at me while walking out.

Ok damn. I brought my attention back to Nash, he looked back down at me and scratched the back of his neck.

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