Imagine // guess which boy - part two

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"P-please don't."

He stared at you, you could feel his eyes burning into your soul. His eyes, they lacked emotion yet here he was, crying.

He looked at his hands, then back up at the hanging rope. He lifted his left hand and held the loop, where his head might of rested if you didn't come into the room.

As he was looking at the rope, you examined his face, or what you could see. His hood was still up, blackening out at least half of his face. Pale, tired eyes was all you could see.

You gulped, noticing how there was blood dripping from off his hands.

"I'm done." Was all you heard. He whispered it so coldly, with no emotion. But in a sense, there was emotion. His voice was raspy and somewhat drained.

You started shaking, almost as if you were scared of him. You gently walked through the door fully, shutting it behind you, quietly.

You grabbed your own hand in nervousness. You kept your eyes on him at all times, making sure he didn't do anything or even move.

But he then moved, he shifted fast facing you, which scared you.

"Get out." He stared at you. His eyes turned into the shade black, it was as if the devil himself was standing in front of you.

"W-who are you?" You asked, ignoring him. You were in an abandoned apartment and you didn't quite understand why someone was in here. You was only here because you thought it would be a great Idea to sneak in, and take creepy photos for your art class.

He turned around, and slowly got off the stool.

"That's not your concern." His voice sounded dry.

He went and sat in the corner of the room, looking down at his hands which were on his knees that he had brought up to his chest.

He was tall. Much taller than you.

"Y-yes it is. Why are you here?" You asked, slowly moving towards him.

"No it isn't. Go away, leave me."

"Why should I? I'm not stupid I can clearly see what you was going to do." You argued back with the stranger.

"And what?" He became aggressive.

"-Just leave me alone, just go and leave me like everyone else does." He continued, his words came out aggressively but he sounded hurt. The boy was hurt, and broken.

You thought about it for a minute, wondering what you was going to do. Stay here, or leave like he asked and let him do something stupid.

"Look, I don't know you but I'm not going to leave you." You gently said, crouching down to his level. You tried to look at his face but he kept it down, with his hood still on. He seemed mysterious, like a book without a word or a picture on it's cover. Not giving you any clue what's inside of it.

"Please go." He below a whisper. His mouth was dry, he seemed ever so tired. His hands were shaking. He noticed you looking at them, so he pulled them towards his chest, hiding his bloody hands from you.

"Maybe I don't want to. Maybe I want to stay here with you." You wanted to know him, you wanted to know why he's so cold and drained.

"But I don't want you here." He keeps his head down, but his eyes were looking up at you.

"C-can you at least tell me your name?" You sat down, completely on your butt.

"No." He said sternly.

"Fine.. But are you okay?" You asked. You wanted to put your hand on his shoulder, you wanted to hug him.

He didn't reply. He just shifted slightly away from you. You sat there in silence looking right at him.

You saw his hands stared to become wet, you looked towards his face, or what you could see of it. Tears were dripping.

"H-hey, come here." You said sympathetically. You brought him close to you, letting him cry in your chest. You don't even know what he looks like, you don't even know his name yet here you are, comforting a complete stranger.

"I can't do this no more, i-I hate myself. I push everyone away, to.. To the point where they all start to hate me. I'm so alone. I hate it." He sobbed. You couldn't feel nothing but sorrow for the boy. You held him tighter, knowing his pain.

"It's going to be alright." You comforted him. He didn't stop crying, he just let it all go. Let it gooooooooo oops i ruined the moment

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