He responds to being called whipped: nate/cam/kenny/johnson

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From: Sammy
Bro you coming out tonight?
Delivered at 8:00pm

To: Sammy
Nah, I'm with (Y/n)
Read at 8:03pm

From: Sammy
Whipped ass motherfucker😂😂
Delivered at 8:03pm

To: Sammy
So you're calling me whipped because I'd rather stay at my girlfriend's house and spend time with her instead of going out, getting wasted and stoned.
Sorry bud, I'd rather stay with my girl and spend time with her than go out👍🏻
Read at 8:05pm

From: Taylor
Dude what the fuck, your whipped asfuk man
Delivered at 6:33pm

To: Taylor
Oh shut up, I'd rather stay at home and take care of (y/n) because she's ill. I'm not gonna go out and fucking party while my girlfriend lyes there bedridden. She's really ill and i'd like to be there to take care of her because I love her. I don't know about you but I'd rather stay at home with (y/n). Oh, and by the way; you're* and fuck*
Read at 6:36pm

To: Gilinsky
I can't come bro.
Read at 4:00pm

From: Gilinsky
Delivered at 4:01pm

To: Gilinsky
Yeah, sorry.
Read at 4:01pm

From: Gilinsky
Whipped. Sorry, but you are.
Delivered at 4:02pm

To: Gilinsky
I am not whipped, what the fuck does whipped even mean, do you know the actual meaning for it? I'm going on a date with (y/n) and I'm not bailing out on her. I'm taking her somewhere special for once and I want to make it up to her for the last time I ditched her for you guys. It's time for me to be with her, I'm always with you guys.
Read at 4:05pm

From: Nash
You're always with her ffs, whipped as fuck. She has you around her finger and I don't like it or her. It's either me or her.
Delivered at 3:46pm

To: Nash
How cute, we're not even that close bud, so obvs her lel. I really don't give a fuck if you don't like her, cause I like her, that's the whole point of our relationship, and yeah, I am whipped. I'm whipped because I'd do anything for her because I love her. She has me wrapped around her finger because I love her. There's nothing else to say so.. Bye bud👍🏻 stay strong without me💪🏻😘
Read at 3:50pm

Was inspired by a picture I found of a dude telling his friend straight after being called whipped and it was cute af

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