What he does for your 18th: magcon boys

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He woke you up with breakfast in bed, and on the tray there were tickets for two, for skiing.

Cam takes you Disney Land Paris. He put the tickets in your bag for you to find. When you did you was confused and thought someone accidentally put them in your bag.

Taylor blindfolds you and drives you somewhere. He ends up going to a Lamborghini garage, he takes your blindfold off and your infront of your new car that Taylor bought. He then hands you Versace belt. Bc hell yeah

Matt has a wonderful idea of taking you to Hawaii, he ends up booking a private ferry to get there.

He takes you on a massive, long just like his dick cruise.

Shawn takes you sky diving and snorkelling.

Jack throws huge surprise party for you. With strippers yaaaaaAs

Aaron buys you a pure silver and diamond necklace with yours and his initials engraved within it. He also bought you a Michael Kors watch.

He takes u to his mums kitchen and hand feeds u rice ok


He takes you places like Brazil to Spain to Hawaii and Cuba. He hid the letters and tickets under your pillow.

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