Jack G & Cameron Imagine

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Your POV

"Bitch." You hear Jack huff under his breath.

"What was that?" You turn around, startling Jack.

"Nothing." He mumbles, whilst rolling his eyes. Lying son of a bitch.

I just roll my eyes and walk out the front door. I don't know why but I feel like going to Nash & Cam's place to talk to them about Jack.

Recently he's been acting weird and mean towards me. He's calling me horrible names, swearing at me and he waves his hands violently everywhere, and that scares me. Every time he does it, I flinch and get scared. He even notices and he doesn't even apologise or anything.

I was at Cash's front door and I hesitantly knocked twice, then once more until I ended up making beats out of the noise.

"It's fucking one- Oh.. (Y/n). What's up?" Cam asks opening the door. He's in nothing but boxers, makes sense as he was probably sleeping.. Oops.

"I need a place to stay and I need someone to talk to.." I look down at my feet.

"Oh, come in. You're always welcome to stay here, you know that?" Cam says, he lifts my chin as he tilts his head and smiles warmly. His smile makes anyone's day better. No wonder he was my first love.

He wraps an arm around my shoulders and leads me inside.

I plop myself onto their couch and put my head in my hands. Soon after Cameron locks the door, he sits next to me.

"Shall I ask Nash to come down aswell?" He asks tilting his head.

"Yes, if you and him don't mind." I weakly smile.

He smiles and nods, making his way upstairs. I try to fight back tears, tears that should not be wasted on a stupid pothead of a 'boyfriend'. Some boyfriend he is, all he does is smoke, drink and then verbally abuse me. I don't want to let him go, I love him, but that love is slowly dying.

I see Cam coming down, wearing some black Adidas sweatpants, his favourite kind, with Nash following him, he had only basketball shorts on.

They both come darting towards me, Nash to the right of me and Cam to the left of me. They look at me, and then look at each other before looking at me again.

Nash sighs and slides his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his chest. At this point I can't hold it in anymore. I burst out crying, neither of them saying anything.

After a good 3 full minutes of me sobbing, Cam finally spoke up.

"Jack?" He asks curiously.

"Mmhmm." I nod my head, biting on my lips that were turned inwards in my mouth.

"Well, what happened this time?" Nash asked, tightening his grip on me.

I sighed, then wiped my eyes. Cam noticed and turned his body so he was completely facing me. He grabbed my hands away from my face and held them. He had a sympathetic smile creeping up onto his face and he then sighed.

"Did he hurt you?" He looked slightly angry, like he was going to punch someone straight in the face.

"Emotionally, yes." I sniffled.

"What did he say?" Nash asked.

"Well, he hasn't changed much, he's still being moody, bitchy and angry towards me. I don't know what I've done. I've given him his space, I fricken obey him like a dog. I.." I sigh. "I think he doesn't love me.."

I get out of Nash's grip and sit up, Cam get's up and whispers something to Nash. They both give me sympathetic looks as Nash gets up.

"I'll give you two some space." He hugs me.

Magcon & OGOC: Imagines & PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora