You get into trouble: nash/matt/sammy/kenny/cam

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You, Nash and Cam were doing public pranks for yours, Nash & Cam's YouTube channels. Cam was pretending to fight with Nash and you get caught up in the middle of it and ended up getting 'injured'. You fell to the ground 'unconscious', then a random old man had phoned the cops. You got into serious trouble and went to the station, where you lot were held for several hours.

Matt was over at yours and it was 2am. You were both in bed, talking. All of a sudden he starts making dinosaur noises, making you both laugh. You were laughing hard just like his dick mmm yes and loud. Your mum came storming through the door and told you both to shut up. She yelled a lot because she can be a grumpy woman without her beauty sleep.

You smoked a blunt for the first time because Sammy wouldn't stop asking you to try it out. You tried it, just to shut him up. You didn't like it and gave it back. You later go onto snapchat to find that Nate had recorded you and put in on his story, and because it was short it looked as if you enjoyed it. Your older brother started ringing you, as he is the protective sort and started to yell at you.

You two were in a library, looking for a specific book ew library. Kenny said something and you both burst out laughing. You got glares from older people who also told you to shush. You wouldn't stop laughing, so the librarian shouted at you and also kicked you both out for being disruptive.

Cameron kept pushing you Into people, and you were doing the same. You nearly tripped up on a crack in the pavement, causing you to push Cameron into this old woman. You felt really bad but then she started shouting at Cam and it was funny because he looked scared. She noticed you laughing and then yelled at you for being disrespectful, which caused Cameron to laugh. She then yelled at Cam again.

I'm bored lmao hi

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