Jack J Imagine // Part Four

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3rd Person's POV
Three Years Later:

"Well, what I needed to tell you was that.." You nervously stopped talking.

"Babe, just tell me." He said, placing his hand on yours

"Well.." You started to say but stopped again. You was fiddling with the ring on your finger.

"Well what?" He asked

"Um.." You started but you broke down into tears not knowing whether he'd support you, yes you are married but you don't know what to expect.

"Baby, tell me whats wrong, we can get through it together I promise." Jack says getting up and making his way to you, he kneels down next to you and takes your hands onto your laps with his intertwining them.

"I'm pregnant Jack, we're having a baby." You say, not looking him in the eye.

"(Y/n), look at me. This is fantastic, when did you find out?!" He said quite excitedly.

He looked quite happy when you decided to look at him.

"Last week, I'm three weeks already. Are you okay with this?"

"Don't be silly, of course I'm alright with this.. I'm over the moon! Babe, we're starting a family, this has been my dream since forever! I just cannot believe this, I love you so much." Jack says kissing your cheek.

"Me too.. I guess this is it.. We're going to have a miniature Johnson running around." You giggle.

"Yes, yes we are and he or she is gonna be the luckiest kid in the world to have us as parents." He says with a smirk.

He hugs you really tight and you hug him back but even tighter. Butterflies swarming in your stomach, just like the first time he hugged you or kissed you, or even touched you.

"I'm the luckiest person on this planet to have you, and to even start a family with you." He whispers in your ear, you smile knowing he's smiling too, even though you can't see his face.

"Thank you, Jack." You say breaking the silence.

"For what, baby girl?"

"For everything. For changing my life. I love you."

"No need to thank me, silly. I love you too." He replies.

He pulls from the hug and looks at you. He leans in and you both press your foreheads against each others, not breaking eye contact while smiling.

Johnson's so cute I wanna dip him in chocolate and eat him

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