What he loves/thinks about you: cam/nash/matt

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He thinks you're amazing and truly beautiful. He will always be thinking about you, and how much he loves you. There has never been a day where he hasn't thought of you. You keep him motivated, and happy. He's happy he's with you and that he has you.

Nash thinks you're inspiring, gorgeous and courageous. He loves the way you're up for challenges and the way you keep active. He thinks you're unique and smart. He loves you loads, knowing you'll always be there for him, and vice versa.

He loves the way you walk with confidence. He loves the way you act confident, but he also loves how you're not too confident, and you don't act bitchy. When you walk off somewhere, his gaze follows you and a smile forms on his face.

This was rushed and I'm very sorry if it was crap😭

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