Aaron Imagine

875 15 1

Third Persons POV

He waited and waited. He waited so long he forgot how long he was waiting for.

Finally, the doors opened.

"They've been delivered but.. There's bad news." The lady in white said.

His face drained of colour when the lady in white told him the news. He dropped to the floor and put his hands on his face. The two boys came rushing over asking if he was alright.

The lady in white disappeared through the double doors.

He was happy but broken, nothing would be the same. This isn't how it was planned. The plans and holidays they made had gone to waste.

The brown haired bo- Man should I say, was lifted to his feet by his two friends. His friends that supported him through near enough everything.

The pale, blue eyed friend lead him towards the double doors. His other friend with brown eyes carefully opened the doors.

There she lay, peaceful in her deep sleep. One where she may never wake again. Next to her were the two offsprings. The offspring of the beautiful women who lay, and the now depressed, broken man. The man who lost his beautiful wife. The man who now has to raise their children on his own. The man who now has to go everyday without seeing her angelic face. The man who will now come home from work and will not be able to say the line, "Honey I'm home, what's for dinner?"

He came into the room and he laid his eyes on his baby girl, and baby boy for the first time. He admired how they resembled both him and his wife. His eyes drifted to the lifeless woman.

The two friends backed up out of the room to give him some space.

Aaron walked towards the bed and took her hand. He closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. He sat on the chair beside her, he still had her hand in his. He placed the other hand on top of hers, which was on top of his other hand.

"I love you. And I always will. I promise you this, I will protect, and love our children with my life. But I want you to promise me something. I want you to watch us. I want you to give me a sign whenever I'm doing something wrong, I want you to give me a sign whenever I've done something good. I want you to give me sign every so often to tell me you're there. There for me and the children." He paused and let some tears slip.

"Just remember.. I love you. I love you so much. You don't deserve this. You really don't. It's hurting me, it's hurting me just by looking at you. You can't see, hear or even breathe. You may be gone to others, but to me you're not gone in my heart, you're not gone in my memories and you're certainly not going to go from my thoughts. Because I love you (y/n)."


15 Years Later

"She's beautiful.." Lillian admires.

She sits beside her father, with her brother, Finley, on the other side of Aaron. They observe at the collages and scrap books Aaron and their mother made when they were teens, travelling the world, going on tours.

"I know. And you look just like her." Aaron kissed his daughters forehead.

"I wish we met her." Finley's eyes started to water.

"You would of loved her. Her personality was really bubbly, she was quite intelligent too. She was absolutely stunning." Aaron smiled. He got lost in his thoughts, but was soon interrupted by the flower petals slowly falling to the ground. He looked up to the fireplace where the red roses were, in their vase. There were loads on the floor by now.

The two teens looked at them and smiled, showing their teeth. So was Aaron.

"Hi mum." Finley and Lillian said, their eyes watering.

"Hello love, I see you've come again." Aaron's voice cracked.

"You never broke your promises, that's another thing I love about you." He added.

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