You make him angry: aaron/shawn/carter/gilinsky/jj

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You were making fun of each other but in a playful way, you then mentioned how he hasn't got a muscular body and that you could do better than him. You didn't intentionally say it, you was just joking around. Aaron took it seriously and he actually became upset about it, and the fact that you said you could do better, made him angry. He started yelling at you saying things like "why don't you go then, go find someone better" and "leave me alone, don't fucking talk to me, go to your new better boyfriend." He didn't talk to you for a good two days.

You was messing around with his guitars, strumming them and dancing along like a total twat. Shawn was sitting on his bed, scrolling through Twitter. You ended up tripping over a laptop charger, falling on top of the guitar awkwardly. The neck of the guitar was underneath your elbow.. Which caused it to snap. The noise made Shawn jolt up, he looked between the guitar and you. He was very angry and upset because he had told you to be careful with it since it had sentimental value towards it. He didn't speak to you for at least a day.

You was at his mums home with him, she had made food and left for work. Carter had finished eating the rice and you left some of it. You couldn't eat no more. Carter got upset and told you to leave because ling ling (his ex) wouldn't of left it. He told you to finish it all up or he'd beat you. You refused and made him angry. Idk

You was in a really aggressive argument with him. You ended up yelling mean things, making him angry. You're both stubborn, and always think your in the right. You pushed him out of your way and told him that you hate him and he's the reason why you're family don't talk to you no more. You basically agreed with your parents that he's a bad influence, making him angry.

He was taking a shower and you needed to wash up the dishes. You completely forgot that he was showering so you started washing up. He came out the shower yelling at you, and he then blamed you for him falling on your shaver and cutting his hand all because of the 'shock' the cold water gave him. He made you feel upset, so you yelled back, making him even angrier.

This was shitty af, shoot me thaNks

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