Kenny Imagine

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Your POV

"Okay lover boy, that's enough frosting." I poked Kenny's nose and pouted.

"Wait, I. Want. More. Frosting." He continued putting more frosting on the cake we made.

I just giggled at him, he then stopped what he was doing and came In front of me, leaning against the counter.

"I'm so tired now, Sammy best like this cake." He says chuckling.

"Yeah, I hope so. Two hours of baking is fricking tiring." I say, stepping forward and leaning into his chest, burying my head in the crook of his neck.

He puts his arms around my waist, leaning his head on mine.

"(Y/n)?" He says gently.

I leaned a bit back to look at him.

"Yes?" I ask innocently.

He doesn't say anything but sighs in admiration. He tilts his head and smiles, looking deeply into my eyes.

I blush. I know what he's doing. He always does this before we end up practically naked on top of each other.

"You're beautiful." He says after a mid-long silence.

"I know I am." I say while flipping my hair. He chuckles at me and places his forehead on top of mine. He closes his eyes as I do the same.

"I-I love you." He stutters out. I instantly open my eyes and smile, showing my teeth. This was the first time he said 'I love you' in ages. And I'm glad he doesn't say it that often, it just makes it mean more when he does say it. He says it like it's his first time saying it and he gets nervous, and that's how I know he's a keeper. If a boy liked you or even loved you, he wouldn't be so confident, he'd be nervous. Scared to be rejected.

"And I love you." I say planting a kiss on his flour-covered cheek.

"-HEY BITCHESSSSS." We were interrupted by Johnson bursting through the kitchen door.

"Ooooooh, what do we have here?" GIlinsky smirks, coming through the door behind Johnson.

"Well-" I started to say but Kenny cut me off. I got out of his grip carefully and stood beside him.

"We were making Sammy's cake and-"

"Okay, I don't care bye." Johnson says, he exits the kitchen and leaves Gilinsky hopelessly standing there.

"Imma leave you two to it." He says winking and chuckling.

"Fine by me." Kenny laughs and shrugs. He starts looking down at me with his sparking eyes.

Gilinsky leaves and Kenny snakes his arm around my waist.

"Where were we?" He grins, planting a kiss on my neck.

"But the boys- and were in the kitchen dumbass." I tilt my head to the side.

"Ever heard of counter sex?"

"Kenny! That's rank." I giggle

"But f'real though, let's make it quick." He innocently looks at me.

"I'd rather go upstairs." I say walking towards the door.

"Coming?" I ask him, he scurries over and grabs my hand. Eagerly pulling me towards the stairs.


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