Shawn Imagine

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"What the fuck?" Shawn raised an eyebrow at his phone. You giggle at Shawn's confused face.

"What?" you ask, laughing at his face.

"This." He says with a straight face trying not to laugh.

"-You've took nearly 1000 photos of yourself." He continues. He lands on a picture of you caught in the moment that you took of yourself. He turns his phone around so you can see for yourself.

"Hey.." You start.

"-I remember when I took that of myself, it was an accidental photo. You said something funny but cute and I could't stop laughing, this was like years ago though." You say admiring those memories.

"Yeah, I think I remember, what did I say again?" His eyes wondered off, looking at nothing in particular trying to remember.

"You said something about us getting married and having 48 kids, with rhyming names." You giggled slightly.

"Oh yeah, I sorta remember." Shawn says, making his way over to the bed, where you sat with your legs crossed. He sat in front of you and copied your position.

"Didn't I say things like Grace, Mace, Pace, Dace, and Lace?" He says laughing his head off.

"Shawn oh my god, it's not that funny." You started laughing at his laugh.

"So you're telling me that it's not funny when you were the one who wouldn't stop laughing for hours on end?" He says giving a playfully, questioning look. You looked at him and burst out laughing.

"Remember what you said to me when I told you I was-". You got cut off by your Daughter, (y/d/n).

"Mummyyy.. where's Daddy?" You hear from outside the closed door of your bedroom.

"In here, cutie" You call out. Slowly the door handle turned and revealed a little girl with brown hair and brown eyes, just like her fathers.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Shawn asks.

"You promised me you'd read a book before I sleep an' I waiting for you but you never came!" She pouted, she was around four and had the cutest accent ever.

"Aw, baby girl. Come here." He says to her, opening his arms up for her. She came running towards the bed and jumped on her dad.

"How would you like to sleep with us tonight?" You ask her while she held on to her dad.

"Yaay!" Her eyes and smile widened.

Couple hours later

You heard little snores coming from (y/d/n). She was cuddled in between you and Shawn. You warmly smile at the view of the two most important people in your life. Shawn was in a deep sleep, like always, and so was little (y/d/n), just like her father. You loved nights like these, the ones where your whole family are together, it's the most wonderful feeling as a mother. You twiddled with the ring on your ring-finger and smiled, closing your eyes, drifting off to sleep.

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