He does something stupid / (that annoys you)

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He 'accidentally' ran over your Furby, which annoyed and scared the shit out of him. You was so annoyed at him, the furby meant quite a lot to you since your mum bought it you.

He gets you both arrested. He was shouting and screaming in shopping centres, pushing you into people, causing a disturbance. The police were called and into the station you went.

You were getting ready for a 'big' dinner at your parents house. Your mum had her boss over for dinner, hopefully earning her a promotion. Matthew however annoyed her, making her leave earlier than expected. He was making strange comments and noises aka the espinosaurus. Your mum found it quite funny and totally forgot why she invited her boss round in the first place. Idk how this is stupid

He forgot that you told him to keep an eye on the food that was in the oven. You left the house to go and get an ingredient you forgot. You returned home to an annoying alarm going off and a distressed Kenny. Me everyday

You tell him to go and buy some food for tonight. He comes home with one dog, three cats and a dragon. Oh, and 100kg of rice.

You were out of the country and desperately needed petrol since the car you was renting had an empty tank. But stupid Taylor went and bought 3 new Versace belts, and 6 new bandanas, he also lost the credit/debit cards you were supposed to use on the trip. Now both of you were stranded in the middle of nowhere, without any service, money or a credit/debit card. Well done Taylor.

You were playing with stuffed animals in the kids section of a store. He aggressively hit you with a massive teddy, the impact caused the stitching to rip, making new the stuffing come out. A worker was in the same aisle as you and told you two off and made you pay. But one problem, you two didn't have any money on you, so you both had to clean the toilets to make up for the damage. RIP teddy

Shawn ended up getting stitches below where his elbow was. He was messing around, getting on your nerves as you were both walking down the street. He tripped over his lace that was untied, and fell on gravel. Landing on his arm first. And I'll be needing stitchesssss

He was trying to show off infront of you, with his "I never miss" skills. He tried to 'miss' and failed, obviously. The ball went straight in, making him jump in victory and whisper "buckets" while flexing. He was walking backwards, keeping eye contact with you. He didn't notice the skateboard behind him, making him fall backwards on his ass.

He was getting frustrated at a grape. He was trying to stab it with a spork but it wasn't working. The grape was slipping out from below the spork thing. He eventually gave up and picked it up with his fingers and ate it.

Nate was arguing with himself, he was high once again. He kept telling himself he couldn't have you because you was taken.. By him. It was one of the most stupid yet adorable conversations you've heard.

You was busy doing your coursework and what not, minding your own business. You were sat on the floor of the living room, using the coffee table as a desk. You went to pee, and stupid Sammy didn't realise that the bottom of his mug had coffee on it, and placed it on top of your work. He was totally oblivious to the papers being your coursework.

Hillbilly Cyrus yes

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