Storm at Sea

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Abyss couldn't help the terrified squeak that burst out of him as the black sea lurched towards him as the ship pitched horrifyingly to the brine. He was soaked to the bone in salt water, rain slamming into the heaving ocean and the Dragon Wing as every spare hand struggled with the ship. He couldn't even wear his scarves and cloak in this torrential downpour, bare bones exposed to the frigid rains as he clung to rigging for his life, treacherous winds threatening to rip him away and to the chaotic and lethal sea.

𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎. He begged. 𝙻𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚙 𝚏𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚞𝚜. He stared at the three black sails of their dreadful pursuers. They'd been chasing them ever since they passed the end of the Spine. The enemies had even come close enough to fire upon their ship- they definitely had a magician with how accurately the arrows split ropes, devastated ballistae, and clogged the blocks. It was clear the Empire was set on killing them, so the skeletons returned with bone attacks, which luckily drove them back each time due to the heavy, accurate, and lethal weapons. They'd considered Blasters, but they feared it would result in a terrible magical attack from the magician, so they were grateful when the blackening sky drove the close to boarding ships back.

He choked on his breath as he spotted the mizzen topmast wrench itself at the base and collapse to the sea. He dared to let go of the rigging and darted forward to help cut the rest of the ropes holding it away with a sharp edged crystal, meeting Roran's haunting gaze, the near-blind human seeing his glowing eyelights and nodding before they, joined by Kin and Bonden, cut it away in moments before throwing it into the water, Kin trying to direct it with blue magic to crash into one of the ships. Just their luck, it narrowly missed the vessel, to which Abyss latched onto the gunwale beside Roran as the green skeleton swore venomously.

Abyss gasped at the height they rose to at the top of a swell, the Dragon Wing making it's swift descent to the valley between the mountainous waves, jolting the entire crew as it hit the bottom with a crashing splash. He felt his eyesockets widen as he saw the next towering over him. "...Not like this." He whispered.

It threatened to crush their pitiful vessel, rushing downward as they rose on its base as if to meet their demise.
"Damnit, no." He growled, throwing out his hand as one of the experienced sailors spotted the wave in the light of a lightning bolt snapping in the sky like the bones of an eternal deity.

With a Determined shout, Abyss put all of himself into parting the sea just enough for them to be spared. Their surroundings blurred and seemed to be glowing turquoise, the black water reflecting the greenish light as the wave wobbled, splitting down the middle and rending itself in two as it slammed thunderously back to the rest of the obsidian waters.

Abyss found himself standing on the base of the now lost mast, distantly realizing the light came from him as he glared at the ocean before them, willing it to calm as he felt his power awaken, tendrils floating around him and holding himself in place as he illuminated the deck like an enormous marine lamp, all of his power directed into protecting his friends for just. Long. Enough.

. • ° . • ° . • °

Abyss stood on the remains of the mizzen topmast like a seaborne saviour for two days before the storm finally abated, whereupon the magical tendrils dissolved and his fiercely shining oceanic aura faded, collapsing to one side. Luckily, Alter stood at the ready, expecting this as he caught the smaller skeleton. Abyss seemed so miniscule without his thick, fluffy layers, as delicate as a precious glass, able to shatter at any moment.

Alter carried him softly to the captain's stateroom to rest, the room currently taken by the sick as they were being attended to by Alter, Gertrude and a helpless Beats. The younger quickly found them and stood there beside the small one… to call him a god still seemed so strange when he was so fragile, but they couldn't sense any lie in that strange creature they had witnessed before.

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