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69. Nice.
Originally this was going to be part of a whole chapter involving the Agaetí Blödhren, but then it just kept stretching- now, even with the huge chapters I write, it still needs to be split! Jesus Christ it's huge!
So here's the first half that's now it's own chapter- Wow I know how to write long chapters...)

Dream knocked softly on the door, Nightmare standing beside him with half-lidded sockets. The door opened to reveal Eragon, smiling at the sight of them. "Blue's trying to cook at the moment."
They both chuckled. "Only trying to cook?" "No overwhelming multitasking?" They spoke in turn before Nightmare leaned on the doorframe, tentacles flicking humorously.
"And study while working on a side project of his own." Eragon admitted.

"Oh thank goodness, I was worried he'd been replaced with a stranger." Dream joked as Nightmare rolled his eyelights. "And how have you fared this fine day?" He quested overdramatically, empathizing eloquence in a mockery of the respectful greeting. Eragon snorted and raised his hands, sleeves rolled up as he revealed ink stains flecked on his skin. "I've finished my addition for the Blood-Oath Celebration minutes ago."
"You've been writing?" Dream asked curiously.
"I have." Eragon clarified. "Would you like to see it?"
"Of course." Both Twins responded unanimously.
The human stepped aside to let them in, shaking his head. "You two hardly act like separate consciousnesses. I'm saying this as someone linked with another already."

"We have just enough separation." Nightmare responded amiably, stepping through first and silently holding a tendril in front of Dream's feet. The lighter shot him a look before stepping over it, only for the limb to swipe his legs out from under him. The God of Positivity landed on the floor with a thud. "Ow!"
"Just enough to tease each other."

The darker quickly paced out of the reach of the vines, chuckling all the while. Eragon grinned, helping Dream back up as the twin glared at his brother. "I'm going to get you for that! You coconut."
Nightmare raised a non-existent eyebrow at that. "I'm a what, now?"
Dream drew himself up confidently. "A coconut. You're a coconut because-" He teleported in front of him and poked him in the sternum with his next words. "You. Have. Such. A. Thick. Skull."

There was a moment of silence as Dream seemed to reflect on what he just said.
Then everyone burst out laughing, Blue showing up at the bottom of the stairs as he facepalmed, giggling maniacally as Eragon leaned on the wall and wheezed. Nightmare just lowered himself to the floor and cried, incoherent as Dream turned and threw himself on the bed in the room, shoulders shaking as he hid his spastic chuckles.

Eventually they recovered, Blue snickering as he tended to something in the fire and teleported something to his other hand, a scroll that he began reading. His icy eyelights drifted from the parchment over to the Twins that had yet to move from their places. "Eragon, I think they're broken."

Nightmare sat up, regarding him with a grin as Eragon furrowed his brows. "Broken?"
Blue tossed the scroll over his shoulder, his magic rolling it back up before teleporting it elsewhere as he approached Dream and poked the prone figure. "Well, I guess not Nightmare, but this one is definitely broken. Look at him." He prodded a leaf with a bone attack, smirking.

Nightmare snorted, standing up as he waved a hand lazily. "He'll recover." He sniffed the air, moving across the room and picking up a bowl of grapes. "I see you've left suitable offerings."
"Blue insisted we leave that alone, actually." Eragon explained.
"That's because I saw them coming a mile away. And I know how you feel about grapes."
The Guardian of Negativity grinned as Eragon went upstairs.
"Did you leave any gooseberries?"
Dream's skull shot up and he was suddenly staring at them. "Inca berries?"

Blue scowled at the darker. "You had to bring them up." Dream leapt off the mattress. "They're my favorite!" He whined, before his wings unwound and vines spread out across the floor, the God of Positivity crawling over and then climbing up on Blue. "I'm suffering here!" He sobbed, clinging to the other.
"Can you let go?" Blue deadpanned at him.
"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh…" He cried, but his phalanges loosened and he fell back to the floor. "Whyyyy."

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Where stories live. Discover now