Some Truths Come to Light

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The Empire has violated my home. Roran thought as he heard the cries of the men injured in last night's attack. He was trembling, overcome with fear and rage as chills swept across his body. And he felt a terrible sadness, his childhood home having lost much of it's innocence to the Ra'zac.

He left Gertrude's house then, to wander the streets like a lost spirit, joining the villagers with haunted faces and glassy eyes. He still had yet to sleep, tortured by the violence he had committed both physically and mentally. He eventually drifted to Horst's house, Elain standing in the doorway and beckoning him inside.

After fighting off the Ra'zac, the prominent members of Carvahall had gathered here to discuss what the village should do next. Roran peered inside, spotting the one named Alter seated in a chair in one corner, lids half closed as he gripped a cup of tea in one hand and watched the deliberations.
"...and I say that it was stupid and reckless!" Kiselt shouted, holding himself up on his elbows. "You had no cause to endanger-" Morn waved a hand in interruption. "We've been over this before. Whether what has been done should have been done is beside the point. I happen to agree with it- Quimby was my friend as much as anyone's, and I shudder to think what those monsters would do with Roran- but… but what I want to know is how we can escape this predicament."

"Easy, kill the soldiers!" Sloan snapped.
"And then what? More men will follow until we drown in a sea of crimson tunics. Even if we surrender Roran, it'll do no good; you heard what the Ra'zac said- they'll kill us if we protect Roran and enslave us if we don't. You may feel differently, but, as for myself, I would rather die than spend my life as a slave." He shook his head. "We cannot survive."
Fisk leaned forward in the ensuing silence.
"We could leave."

"There's nowhere to go!" Kiselt blurted. "We're backed against the Spine, the soldiers have blocked the road, and beyond them is the rest of the Empire."
"It's all your fault!" Thane directed a shaky finger at Horst. "They will torch our houses and murder our children because of you. You!"
Horst leapt to his feet, his chair clattering backwards. "Where is your honor, man? Will you let them eat us without fighting back?"
"Yes, if it means suicide otherwise." Thane shot a glare across the table before standing and thundering past Roran without a second glance. Gedric noticed him standing there.
"Come, come, we've been waiting for you."

Roran put his hands behind his back as they all turned to study him. "How can I help?"
"I think," Gedric began slowly, peering at their faces. "We've all agreed that it would accomplish nothing to give you to the Empire at this point. Whether we would if that wasn't the case is neither here nor there. The only thing we can do is prepare for another attack. Horst will make spearheads- and other weapons if he has time- and Fisk has agreed to construct shields. Fortunately, his carpentry shop didn't burn. And someone needs to oversee his defenses. We would like it to be you. You'll have plenty of assistance."
Roran nodded calmly. "I'll do my best."

Tara, Morn's wife, stood up, huge next to the man. Her black hair fell down her back, grey streaking through it. "Make sure you do, Roran, or else we'll have more funerals." Facing Horst, she continued. "Before we go any further, there are men to bury. And there are children who should be sent to safety, maybe to Cawley's farm on Nost Creek. You should go as well, Elain."
"I won't leave Horst." The woman responded cooly. Tara stiffened. "This is no place for a woman five months pregnant. You'll lose the child running around like you have."
"It would do me far more harm than good to worry in ignorance than to remain here. I have borne my sons; I will stay, as I know you and every other wife in Carvahall will."
Horst moved around the table to hold her hand gently. "Nor would I have you anywhere but at my side. The children should go, though. Cawley will care for them well, but must make sure that the route to his farm is clear."

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