A Thunder Departs, a Traveller Travels

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((Here you go, Fire. Your beloved Traveller finally has their chapter.))

Blue was awake early despite having gone to sleep so late at night, having slept in the Rider's tree. He hopped up and out of the bed he'd not shared with anyone and immediately teleported a little outside of the elf swordsmith's home, striding over with a smile on his face as he saw fit to return his most trademark bandana around his neck vertebrae.

His smile faltered though, when he heard a yell and caught sight of Eragon dropping a blue, flaming sword. He had to jog to reach them in time for Eragon to pick it up and Rhunön to tear it from his hands to give it a once-over.

"You are fortunate I have already protected it with wards against heat and damage, else you would have just scratched the guard and destroyed the temper of the blade. Do not drop the sword again, Shadeslayer- even if it should turn into a snake- or else I shall take it back and give you a worn-out hammer instead." She grumbled.

At the boy's apology, she begrudgingly gave it back. "Did you set fire to it on purpose?"
"No." Eragon replied, bewildered.
Blue blinked at the prospect.
"Say it again." The she-elf demanded.
"The name, the name, say it again."
Keeping it a fair distance from himself, Eragon spoke.

It fwooshed as it flared ablaze, the flames crackling and reaching up several feet. They watched it burn for a moment, then it was extinguished, presumably by Eragon.

Now there's a fitting sword for a Rider and dragon! Saphira spoke excitedly.
It breathes fire as easily as I do.
"But I wasn't trying to cast a spell!" Eragon argued.
"All I did was say Brisingr and-" He yelped as it burst into flame, swearing as Blue started quietly giggling at the ridiculousness of the situation before Rhunön asked to hold it.

Eragon handed it over and Blue briefly got a good look at the beautiful, shimmering blues of the blade and what looked like twin silver lines of flame in the blade before she spoke the fated name.
It visibly trembled, and a faint tongue of fire danced along its surface briefly before peeling off and wisping away.

Thoughtfully, Rhunön regarded the sword, returning it to the Rider as she spoke.
"I can think of one explanation for this marvel. I believe that you may have discovered the true name of your sword. There is also the possibility that because you were involved with the forging, you imbued the blade with a portion of your personality and therefore it has become attuned to your wishes, but evidently I am leaning more towards the latter theory. In any event, you have chosen well, Shadeslayer. Brisingr!" She paused as the flame twisted around and disappeared.
"Yes, I like it. It is a good name for a sword."
A very good name. Saphira approved.

Brushing her hand over the center of the blade, she muttered under her breath and the elven glyph appeared on either side of it as did the front of the scabbard, gifting it to the Rider with a loving smile.

Eragon bowed as he and Saphira thanked them greatly, Blue deciding to bow as well simply to show respect, and the woman pressed her thumb to the dragon and Rider's foreheads. "I am glad I was able to help the Riders this once more." She moved then, surprising Blue by cupping his face in one hand to study him warmly before letting go.
"Those new and old. Go, Shadeslayer. Go, Brighteye. Go, Brightscales. Return to the Varden, and may your enemies flee with fear when they see the sword you now wield."

They all nodded, Blue forcing himself not to touch the cheekbone her hand had touched as they made to leave, Eragon still holding his new sword with awe as Saphira took to the sky.

. • ° ° • .

Blue blinked in surprise when he appeared amidst the clearing, seeing the tremendous dragon that was Glaedr seated almost perfectly still and dressed in a saddle that sat between two great spines of his back, Oromis standing patiently beside him, dressed in thick, blue and green robes, golden scaled armor around them, joined by bracers and a shield in shape of a diamond upon his back. He carried an old, beautiful helm in his left arm and his golden sword, Naegling, was belted to his side.

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