Red Sea

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Alter gazed out across the gleaming red sea, almost as red as Determination itself. The sun sat on the liquid horizon, swollen and dark orange in it's bright glow as it illuminated everything in stark shadows and dull light. He was endlessly grateful they had finally arrived.
The villagers were weak, several having died during the awful journey here. Dance sighed wearily beside him, leaning into his friend. Next to the shorter stood two new followers; a small, hopeful skeleton wearing bright colors and a taller clad in shades of green, a bone tail swinging side to side slowly behind him. Beats and Kin. They were wondering the woods, and only revealed themselves because they saw other skeletons amidst the traveling village.

They had been a big help, Kin being a fantastic hunter and Beats radiating kindness around him. Unfortunately, the quieter one never strayed far from his side for long, a little overprotective of his friend. His Wingding accent was thick, the staticy tones of the skeletal language always coloring his words.

But even so, they couldn't prevent all tragedies. A storm had blown in at one point when they were plowing through the snowy peaks. They lost three of the older villagers then. It had terrified Alter; they had simply fallen asleep and froze. They were ice in the snow, skin turned blue and purple as snow crusted their features.
A child, a young boy, broke his arm falling- that at least Alter could heal. Unfortunately, they were too late to save another who drowned in glacier melt, Alter sobbing alongside the boy's parents.

Dance and Alter were left as a the only two capable of fighting off the wolves and bears that constantly attacked the livestock; later having a great relief when Kin and Beats arrived and lessened the burden of dealing with the animals alone. Even so, they couldn't stop all of them. Hunger sapped strength from everyone, skeletons often forgoing their own meals for the humans that needed it more.

Kin soon started asking why they didn't desert Carvahall, which earned him a dark glare from Dance, a vocal whiplash from Alter, and tears from Beats as he imagined what would happen to the innocent humans without their help.
"We stick together. They had our backbones, we have theirs. Don't you have pack mentality?" Dance had responded.
Kin didn't suggest it again.

When they finally reached Narda, the entire village perked up, proud and Determined as hope filled them. Even Kin spared a small smile as Alter flitted about, offering as much help and support as he could as Beats and Dance followed close behind.

Next dawn, Roran left for Narda, followed by Horst, Baldor, Gertrude, and Loring's sons. Alter was given charge of the rest of the village alongside Birgit and Loring. Kin had to take off after the sheep, as a pair of wolves were stalking them again. One Blaster and snarl later, the animals were running for the hills.
Alter was busy healing those that needed it, though he was starting to slump far more than usual, stumbling as he shuffled from person to person.

Beats asked that he stop and rest, but he shook his skull listlessly and went on. The youth furrowed his non-existent eyebrows and alerted Dance, who was lending a helping hand as well. The other dropped what he was doing and started dragging a piteously complaining Alter away to sit down and watch for enemies or Roran's return next to Albriech.

"Make sure this numbskull doesn't get up, would you? He's worn himself out and won't acknowledge it."
"I have not-" "I'll keep an eye on him." "No!" "Thanks." "I need to help-" "You're sitting here and taking a break." "I don't need a break." Alter argued obstinately. "How many phalanges am I holding up?" Dance asked seriously. Alter squinted at him. "Trick question." "One you didn't answer." "D'oh, leave me alone. Someone could be seriously hurt- what if a cut got infected? If someone else dies and I could have done something about it-" "Alter, how can you do any good if you kill yourself?" Dance interrupted. "You're grinding yourself into the dirt. You can't do any good if you don't recharge. So hit the brakes and calm down. The rest of us can handle it, a'ight?"
Alter gave him a long look, then glanced away. "Ten minutes."
Dance sighed. "It's something." He nodded at Albriech with a faint smile before walking off again.

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