Meeting Eragon

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The gang slowly woke up in new terrain, groggily checking their surroundings. Nightmare righted himself, wiping off leaves and dirt with a scowl while taking note of the extreme negativity here. Wherever they were was dark, very dark. He immediately fell in love with it.

Blue stood up, stumbling over to Error and helping the glitch to his feet, who in turn picked up the others with his strings.

"Where are we?" Horror groaned, gripping the hole in his skull while cracking his neck vertebrae.
"I'm not sure, but it's full of Negativity." Nightmare responded, stretching out his tentacles to enjoy the virulent mixture of hate, depression, sorrow, and much more.

"It's a big place as well." He confirmed, opening his eyesocket at last.
"Well, what AU is it, then?" Dust questioned. Error snapped his skull towards him as Nightmare shrugged.

"If we survived, then we might be in another Multiverse. I've seen other versions of all of us before. Kid versions, teenagers, a weird empire place, one where we are all wolves, one where Ink is a God, no, two, but different variations.. lemme check the code."

The others were mute with shock, this being the first time hearing of such a thing. Error was busy staring at his screen in disbelief. "... What is this?" He muttered.

"What? Something wrong? Where are we?" Blue asked, worried about their current situation.
"This isn't code, it's something in gibberish!" Error gestured at the words irritably.
"How in the hell is that even possible?!"

The others moved around to get a better look at it. Then Nightmare spoke.
"It looks like a story... But not in any language we can read." Horror 'humphed'. "Well, shit." Then blinked, the hole in his skull had messed with his mind and furthermore made it very hard for him to read normally. He found out, thanks to his boss, that he has dyslexia among other things.

Horror unconsciously started to move his hands which the others knew that he was trying to do something. The movements resembled writing. Blue quickly pulled out a clipboard, a pen and a piece of paper, which he had on him cause you never know when you need it.

Horror began feverishly writing with them, not even seeing his hands as he sloppily copied random things. Nightmare hardly glanced at him and his scrawling, instead opting to study the unknown words.

Then both of them spoke at the same time.
"I think I can understand some of it."
"There's a pattern, I can't tell much tho."

Everyone faced Nightmare.
"How??" Dust demanded. His king shrugged, leaning closer to the screen. He began spelling out the words at the top like a note, struggling with the words.

"Néiat dauthleikr sé sjon nosu orono thornessa kvaedhí."
The air around them shook upon the conclusion of the sentence. Nightmare furrowed his non-existent eyebrows, then mumbled incredulously.
"No mortal may see us or this script."

Error looked at him, baffled. Dust shrugged. "Guess you're our translator, then."
Killer shielded his sockets mockingly. "Uh oh. Guess we're dead. No mortals may read past this point or whatever."

Horror shook his head, not so sure as some of what he wrote, he just somehow knew was past that point and he was fine.

Everyone then decidedly sat down, letting Nightmare and Horror study the foreign language. Finally, the King of Negativity explained what he understood.

"It says this land is called Alagaësia. There are no monsters here, I think. People also wrote this, they call themselves the Grey Folk. They seem to have written this as their race was on the decline. They don't seem to be among the living anymore. This place has a few races, I believe these Grey Folk knew something about their future. It says humans and one other will colonize the land from somewhere 'across the sea'. And that elves were here already, along with dwarves and dragons."

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