Oromis and Glaedr

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The dragon was gleaming like crystalized gold, scattering sunlight like a brilliant wildfire. It was massive, several times larger than Saphira, GB, and Draco. Definitely a few centuries old. It's Rider's white robes were a stark contrast from the gleaming scales.
Eragon fell to his knees in reverence. Blue clung to GB's foreleg in raging emotions.
This was what he'd been drawn into! This!
Who could imagine?
Not Papyrus.

The dragon turned to land, revealing his lack of a foreleg, a pale stump all that was left. It was awful.
Blue wished he could have been there, whenever this happened, to heal that gruesome injury.
The gold legend settled in the clover, debris flying in the wake of it's arrival. The Rider elegantly dismounted, climbing down the intact leg and approaching them. His hair was gleaming silver, eyes full of endless melancholy and wisdom.

Eragon suddenly greeted him. "Osthato Chetowä…. The Mourning Sage… As you asked, I have come." He blinked, then pressed his fingers to his lips. "Atra esterní ono thelduin."
"You know him?" Blueberry whispered.
The Rider merely smiled and pulled Eragon to his feet.
"Oromis is my proper name, Eragon Shadeslayer."

"You knew." Islanzadí whispered in dismay that turned to rage. "You knew of Eragon's existence and yet you did not tell me? Why have you betrayed me, Shur'tugal?"
The elf faced the queen. "I kept my peace because it was uncertain if Eragon or Arya would live long enough to come here; I had no wish to give you a fragile hope that might have been torn away at any moment."
"You had no right to withhold such information from me! I could have sent warriors to protect Arya, Eragon, Saphira and the skeletons in Farthen Dûr and to escort them safely here."
A sad smile spread across his face. "I hid nothing from you, Islanzadí, but what you had already chosen not to see. If you had scryed the land, as is your duty, you would have discerned the source of the chaos that has swept Alagaësia and learned the truth of Arya, Eragon, and the skeletons. That you might forget the Varden and the dwarves is understandable, but Brom? Vinr Älfakyn? The last of the Elf Friends? You have been blind to the world, Islanzadí, and lax upon your throne. I could not risk driving you further away by subjecting you to another loss."
Her shoulders dropped in despair. "I am diminished."

A wave of hot, damp air washed over them as the dragon bent over to study them.
We are well met, Eragon Shadeslayer and Eldgath Bjartauga. I am Glaedr.
"It's an honor!" Blue squeaked.
"I am honored." Eragon breathed.
His voice made Blue think of a mountain. He turned to Saphira and GB. Saphira went stone-still, neck arched back while Glaedr sniffed her cheek and wing.
You smell of humans, He informed her, and all you know of your own race is what your instincts have taught you, but you have the heart of a true dragon.

He paused before GB as Orik addressed Oromis. "Truly, this is beyond anything I dared hope or expect. You are a pleasant surprise in these dark times, Rider." He thudded his fist over his heart before continuing. "If it is not too presumptuous, I would ask a boon on behalf of my king and my clan, as was the custom between our people."
Oromis inclined his head. "And I will grant it if it is within my power."
"Then tell me: Why have you remained hidden for all these years? You are sorely needed, Argetlam."
"Ah. Many sorrows exist in this world, and one of the greatest is being unable to help those in pain. I could not risk leaving this sanctuary, for if I had died before one of Galbatorix's eggs had hatched, then there would have been no one to pass on our secrets to the new Rider, and it would have been even harder to defeat Galbatorix."

"That was your reason?" Orik demanded, appalled. "Those are the words of a coward! The eggs might have never hatched."
A deadly silence fell, only broken by a distant growl from Glaedr.

"If you were not my guest here, I would strike you down myself for that insult." Islanzadí spoke in a low voice.
Oromis displayed his hands. "Nay, I am not offended. It is an apt reaction. Understand, Orik, that Glaedr and I cannot fight. Glaedr has his disability, and I," he tapped his head. "I am also maimed. The Forsworn broke something within me when I was their captive, and while I can still teach and learn, I can no longer control magic, except for the smallest of spells. The power escapes me, no matter how much I struggle. I would be worse than useless in battle, I would be a weakness and a liability, one who can easily be captured and used against you. So I removed myself from Galbatorix's influence for the good of the many, even though I have yearned to openly oppose him."

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat