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((I'm so sorry, guys! I had this made already and I missed uploading it last Friday due to circumstances! I hope you enjoy this at least! And also, THANK YOU FOR THE UNBELIEVABLE RANKINGS HOLY SHIT-))

Error felt restless, waiting for the soldiers to return so he could leave and check on his family. Geno had teleported him off to their private rooms, Red agreeing to come with as added protection, because the guards struggled to cope with the shortcuts and he was a fantastic soldier on his own.
Error only stayed behind with Lust because he was technically the leader of the group and Lust wanted to stay by him as comfort. Something like that, he didn't know or care.
He wrung his hands and made to start stress knitting, bone needles clicking softly, almost drowned out by his fizzling glitches.

Finally Trianna came back, behind her a pair of soldiers dragging a limp human between them. By her command they dumped the dead body before them.
"We found the assassin where Elva said we would." Trianna explained. "Drail was his name."

Error snorted at it and returned to his work, a shawl rapidly forming out of his quick movements.
"How was he killed?" Nasuada asked curiously. "I see no marks on his body."
"He committed suicide with magic when we overwhelmed his defenses and entered his mind, but before we could take control of his actions."
"Were you able to learn anything of use before he died?"
"We were. Drail was a part of a network of agents based here in Surda who are loyal to Galbatorix. They are called the Black Hand. They spy on us, sabotage our efforts, and- best we could determine in our brief glimpse into Drail's memories- are responsible for dozens of murders throughout the Varden. Apparently, they've been waiting for a good chance to kill you ever since we arrived from Farthen Dûr."

Error had paused his knitting to listen in shock, sitting upright as Lust's eyesockets blanked.
"Why hasn't the Black Hand assassinated King Orrin yet?" Nasuada prompted.
The sorceress shrugged. "I can't say. It may be that Galbatorix considers you to be more of a threat than Orrin. If that's the case, then once the Black Hand realizes you are protected from their attacks"- She glanced at Elva. "- Orrin won't live another month unless he is guarded by magicians day and night. Or perhaps Galbatorix has abstained from such direct action because he wanted the Black Hand to remain unnoticed. Surda has always existed at his tolerance. Now that it's become a threat…"

Nasuada turned to the Starchild. "Can you protect Orrin as well?"
Her eyes seemed to glow like a skeleton's eyelights. "Maybe if he asks nicely."
Error peered at her thoughtfully as Lust tried catching his attention, Nasuada glancing over before addressing Trianna again.
"Can all of Galbatorix's agents use magic?"
"Drail's mind was confused, so it's hard to tell. But I'd guess a fair number of them can." Trianna responded, to which the woman seemed to think.

"Could I maybe help protect him?" Lust finally whispered to Error.
"You can't sense dangers intuitively."
"And you can?"
"I've had to learn."
"But you're already so busy-" "My armbands are also quite useful. I could give him something similar, but first we'd need to discuss the issue with him. I'll keep your suggestion in mind, though. You may not have the senses I do, but all of us are still much faster and stronger than any human or magician here. That, and you're more Determined than you seem to think."

He turned away before Lust could inquire further, Nasuada speaking again.
"Why didn't you discover this sooner? I can understand that you might miss a lone assassin, but an entire network of spellcasters dedicated to our destruction? Explain yourself, Trianna."
The sorceress seemed to glare briefly before responding evenly. "Because here, unlike in Farthen Dûr, we cannot examine everyone's minds for duplicity. There are just too many people for us magicians to keep track of. That is why we didn't know the Black Hand until now, Lady Nasuada."

Nasuada hesitated, then nodded. "Understood. Did you discover the identities of any other members of the Black Hand?"
"A few."
"Good. Use them to ferret out the rest of the agents. I want you to destroy this organization for me, Trianna. Eradicate them as you would an infestation of vermin. I'll give you however many men you need. And I've no doubt Lord Error will lend his support if you need it."
He inclined his skull. "Destruction is what I do best."
With a slightly excited gleam in her eyes, Trianna bowed. "As you wish, Lady Nasuada and Lord Error."

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