Fethr and Dauthíblakka

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The already enormous valley yawned even wider as they approached the prairie. As the Az Ragni entered the plains, everything warmed with the heat radiating from the desert. GB exploded out of the water and onto the bank, huffing excitedly as he raced downstream, showing off his ability to sprout his skeletal wings and magical membrane between each bone. He launched himself into the sky, Saphira emerging straight from the water to follow. The pair circled each other as they climbed up into the sky, till only specks revealed their presence high above.

Nightmare observed the anxiety of the dwarves and his own teammates. The vast open sky was still a strange sight for the skeletons, and the dwarves yearned for the enclosing walls of the Beors. He hummed, turning his attentions to his brother's mind so far away. Dream was ecstatic, flying in sunlight that made him feel alive. It brought a smile to his face.
He leaned against the person beside him, barely registering that it was Arya.

They disembarked at a small cove. Dûthmér and Gáldnien began cooking dinner, this time Blue helping them. Horror went hunting, and strangely enough, Dust tore off most of his clothes and dove in the water. The reason behind it soon became apparent when he surfaced five minutes later, carrying a huge green stone smoothed by the currents. It looked as if it held glitter in it, green specks sparkling in it's mossy surface. Thorv had admired the stone, Dust offering it. The dwarf had to explain he couldn't take it with him, it was too large and heavy. Dust shrugged, and hefted it into his inventory.

Eragon cleared a space by his tent to practice with Zar'roc, not wanting to fall out of practice. Nightmare hummed to himself, quietly speaking to Dream as his other half happily recounted his day, fawning over his new wings and explaining how he'd learned to pull back the vines all over him, hiding them in a knotted mess in his ribcage where they felt warm.

Nightmare snapped out of his conversation when he felt Eragon double over in pain, his wound searing into his back like a corrosive branding iron. He caught the human in his arms before he hit the ground, dashing around the camp to reach him in time.
Eragon convulsed in his grip, frothing slightly at the mouth as Nightmare sensed Saphira's alarm. The best he could do was put Eragon to sleep for a while, muting the pain as the Rider slipped unconscious.
Arya was beside him, tracing her long, elegant fingers over the boy's cheek in worry. Nightmare only shook his skull and sighed, carrying Eragon to his tent to recover.

Arya took a seat beside him as they stared at Eragon together. She was beside herself.
"How will he fight if he is wounded like this?" She whispered fearfully, not taking her emerald eyes off of the Rider.
Nightmare didn't answer. He pondered her question, reluctantly explaining the situation to Dream, asking he at least keep it secret.
I feel.. he is meant to learn from this. He admitted quietly.
I think so, too.. I don't think it's going to remain. It's that Fate feeling, you know?
I do. I sense Wyrda around this, I sense the power of the one that dubbed me Alalëa coming.
The rainbow dragon?
I've met it, too. It was the first to call me Islingr.
You are a bringer of light.
And you are a beautiful melancholy..
So you say.. Brother.
So it is, Brother.

He faced Arya, feeling his Soul pang at her distraught face. "I do not believe this condition shall last. It is a challenge by Fate. Not a unconquerable one, but difficult nonetheless. It is the world's way of teaching something, as harsh a teacher it is."
Saphira snaked her head into the tent, worry dancing in her eyes. And how long must he suffer this strange and abominable lesson?
His teeth ground against each other. "I do not know. But if there is anything I am to understand, is that Wyrda is acting for the inevitable greater good of all, and the individual destinies of all races in Alagaësia… including ourselves. Elves, dragons and monsters."
He stood up stiffly, teleporting outside by the river's edge, sitting cross-legged as he fell deep in thought.

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