Meeting a Real Rider

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The small thunder of dragons, as a flock of dragons were called- at least, back in the Multiverse they certainly were- flew north a few miles. Saphira flew just abreast of Glaedr, her boiling excitement greater than ever seen before. GB caught thermal after thermal to his right, eyeing the gold dragon in wonder. To think I'm related to something like that! My God. He'd commented in a daze. Draco was wriggling in the air above Glaedr, to the left. A few hoots escaped him, eyelights flickering to GB in amazement.
Have you ever seen a dragon this huge? Have you? Holy shit he's old, too. Saphira can grow to that size someday! How do you.. how do you wrap your skull around that?!
I don't know. GB had answered dully. Blue had just patted his neck vertebrae sympathetically, not sure how to handle his thoughts, either.

They landed in a clearing at the end of the cliff, a path from it leading to the door of a but grown from four trees, one of which was at a stream. Glaedr was so enormous, it could have fit between his ribs. Blue slid off and huddled close to GB, trying to grasp the situation he was in as the colossal dragon leaned forward to sniff Draco, who leaned back in confusion and surprise. Like Saphira, he went along the side of the other's face and his wing, taking great interest in the scent.
Yours is a unique scent, Dauthíblakka. We are two different kinds, but nevertheless, you are still a dragon at heart. As one, you deserve to know of our culture and history. I only ask that we learn of your own.
Draco glanced to the side awkwardly.
That sounds about right. I'm no history teacher, but it's fair enough. If anything, our kind is civilized; we never had Riders. I don't like the idea all that much for myself, but I won't condemn anyone else for it.
A gleam of pride flashed in his gold eyes.
That is good. You'll do well.

The gargantuan one turned to GB once more, to finish what he could not earlier. His chin nearly brushed Blueberry's skull when he scented GB's wing.
You too, are unique. The blood of dragons pulses strong within you, but you have not even the instincts of the race to guide you. You are a lost hatchling; I intend to fill that gap with our own teachings. You belong to our own world now, it is your right to know of your kin. Due to the fact that you and Eldgath are not true Riders, we must adapt our curriculum. However, your very nature appears to more than compensate for your lack of a true bond, so you best not expect to be treated differently from our usual Riders.
Blue gulped, still breathless from this humongous creature that wished to share it's secrets with him, to call him one of it's own. GB spoke what they had both been thinking.
Thank you.

There is nothing to thank for. You, Rider. You must join Eragon and Oromis. He addressed Blue, his great eye resting upon him. He nodded quickly, for once unable to move his legs. His eyelights flickered over to the house and back to the dinner plate eye that pierced him.
It was one of those rare moments that he used his ability to teleport, appearing stiffly outside the door and spinning to stare at the dragon, who simply rose up and gazed out over the horizon.

Oromis snapped him out of it by handing him water and gesturing to an empty stool beside him. Eragon was already seated in another, looking awkward.
"Welcome to my home. I live here, on the brink of the Crags of Tel'naeír, because it provides me the opportunity to think and study in peace. My mind works better away from Ellesméra and the distractions of other people."

They waited for Oromis to continue. He didn't. A full minute passed.
Draco was sitting beside the hut, laying his skull between his claws and staring at Glaedr, who stood like a sentinel without meeting anyone's gaze. GB let out a soft rumbling noise like a purr, studying Glaedr with admiration in his eyelights. Saphira crouched, gazing unblinkingly at the elder while kneading the dirt.
Five minutes passed. GB flicked his eyelights to Blue.
Is he going to talk? I'm getting confused.
I don't know! Is it rude to say anything- what if we're supposed to do something and he is waiting for that? Are we insulting him?!
Dude, calm down. Eragon doesn't look that worried. I'm pretty sure.. okay, I'm not sure. I don't know. But I think we should wait?
I might explode!
No you won't. Relax. As much as you can, anyway. This is cool.
I'm not a lazybones like you!
Not asking you to be..

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