New Skeletons

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They inevitably agreed to Jeod's proposal after a few edits, Roran sending Nolfavrell to retrieve Gertrude and Mandel from the Green Chestnut as Jeod offered them his home for the night.
Then he explained why he recognized Dance as a skeleton so quickly.

"I've already been harboring guests. They too, are skeletons- for the most part- and have told me plenty about the Multiverse."
"Oh my God where are you keeping them."
So Jeod led Dance to another room, fairly out of the way of everything else, and left to explain things to his wife.
Dance hesitantly tried the door, only to find it locked.

The was movement, then a fellow Sans' voice called out. "Who is it and why are you at this door?"
"Well Jeod said he was keeping other skels in here, but I guess not." Dance automatically responded, grinning despite himself.
He heard two voices murmuring before a second, oddly electronic voice spoke up. "What's your name, then?"
"Sans." He snorted.
"I'm Dance, who are you?"

There was a minute of moving around and pages rustling as they continued whispering to each other. Dance sighed, clacking his skull on the wood.
"The rest of the group I'm traveling with has four others, y'know."
"Oh?" Said the first voice.
"Yeah, my best friend Alter, and two others we ran into who joined us because safety in numbers. Beats and Kin."
"Hold up, Beats?" "Kin?"
Dance looked up. "You know them?"

The door opened, and a robotic Sans with a glowing blue wig sticking off his skull peeked at him, eyesockets blue screens that displayed darker blue eyelights. Dance was taken aback for a moment. "You look like a Mettaton."
"And you look like crap. As for the two, they've helped us before."
"Wow, thanks. Totally haven't been starving for weeks so the humans don't die. Did I mention it's an entire village?"
The door parted further, an incredibly short Sans with thick white fur scarves and a blue crystal over his sternum gave him a look of concern. "Hey, we have snacks. We can get your friends as soon as possible later, but if you're here now, then get some food in ya while you can." He pushed his robotic friend aside lightly and ushered Dance in.

Dance stood rigid in front of the door for a moment, then sighed.
"Thanks, buddy."
He crossed the threshold, shoulders slumping.
"You need it." The midget of a Sans told him kindly.
"Yeah. I guess so."

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Where stories live. Discover now