In a Dark Room

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((I've been waiting to share this one.~ Not as much as the next chapter, but still!))

The room was dark. It was dark, full of cold, smooth stone. On the ceiling was a small hook recessed deep, presumably for a lantern that was not there. He wondered why the light was gone.
It didn't matter.

He curled up in a corner, shivering a little. He had no clothes. The cold didn't bother him, the nudity did. He couldn't feel the comforting closeness of Error's magic. The slight warmth of presence and kindness and safety buzzing around him. No. He was left in a cold, harsh void. He felt.. alone.

He thought he had been alone before when he had wandered off at times, but now he realized he had never been alone.
It scared him.

Fresh curled up even tighter, wishing for something to cover himself so that he didn't feel like a mouse caught in the open. He entertained himself by studying the faint patterns in the floor, scratching the stone.

Some time passed, and he felt hungry.
He tapped the ground, somewhat impatient. They caught him and Chaos and threw them in cages, surely they would bother to feed them if they were captives?

He glanced around the room, finding that hunger lent him bravery. It was as empty and dark as ever. Fresh slowly uncurled himself, tentatively flicking his tongues and taste-smelling nothing but an earthy, somewhat coppery smell. Like old blood and bones that had once held flesh.

Fresh began to slowly make his way along the wall, taking note of each minute change in odors, studying the unbroken stone. After a while, he'd looped back to where he started, a little unsettled to find that he couldn't see a door.
He could stare at the wall where he smelled a likely opening, a hint of dirt and ash in the floor- but no sign of a door otherwise. It was unnerving.

When he grew bored of staring at the wall where he smelled a door, Fresh huffed and circled the room, trying to cast out and feel for magic and shuddering when he felt himself blocked. Something kept him from it. Was it some form of magic? He didn't know. He wanted to test and summon an attack- but he had no idea how. In his previous existence, he was just a hapless parasite. He never learned how himself. He didn't even know if he was developmentally capable of forming attacks yet.

Either way, it was just as unsettling as the door situation.
Furthermore, he was growing ravenous. He paced faster, occasionally whining to himself as his tail whipped side to side.
He eventually plopped down with a series of clacks in the middle of the room, rolling over and staring at the ceiling, limbs tucked over his ribs.

An indeterminate amount of time later, he grew bored with that, the hunger beginning to hurt. Annoyed, Fresh started howling, righting himself and yowling, listening to his cries echoing in the darkness. He kept at it for long enough to get irritated at even that, gradually dying down as a bit of anxiety returned.
Was anyone coming?

They wouldn't go through the effort to catch him and Chaos just to starve them to death?
Did Error even know where they were?
What if they simply didn't know any other effective way to kill him?
What if this was a way to get him out of the way.

He curled up at the thought, painfully familiar with the emotion rising in the depths of his being.
Of all the emotions he lacked in his previous existence, fear was the only one he didn't.
Fresh decided that he hated it. Hated being afraid. Feeling another emotion over feeling an emotion seemed ridiculous, but it was what he felt.

Fresh felt tired, but his limbs were trembling faintly from lack of food. He was scared, he remembered being so hungry before. Sometimes he had lacked a host long enough that his whole being ached and he struggled to move.
This was similar, but how was he that hungry already? It couldn't have been that long. It had to have been only a day.. or two. He couldn't tell time here. Everything was unchanged. Just cold, blank stone.

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Where stories live. Discover now