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"Concentrate, Eragon." Oromis spoke gently, drawing Blue out of his thoughts as he studied, seeing Eragon rub his eyes and wincing at the knowledge of the human's suffering.
"Sorry, Master." Came the quiet reply. Blue gritted his teeth and stared at the parchment in front of him blindly, before he was caught off guard by GB suddenly contacting him.
Saphira, Glaedr, they're fight- shit! He cut short, leaving Blue with an ominous feeling before he saw both Eragon and Oromis jump and reach for their limbs.
GB, are you okay?!

There was a tense moment before the skeleblaster responded, leaving time for a brief exchange between the elf and human.
"Something's happened to them, hasn't it?"
"I know not. Glaedr returns, but he refuses to talk to me."
Then GB spoke as they all stood up.
Get over here.
Blue's eyelights met Oromis's eyes and an understanding passed between them, and he immediately teleported without a word.

He appeared in sunlight, stumbling onto mossy stone and bones that nearly made him shriek, but he caught himself and glanced around. He could see the dragonic skeletons crouched outside a cave, Draco's gaze fixated inside as he draped a wing over GB, who sat there and spotted Blue, pleading silently.
I'm being smothered-
But what about Saphira? Blue demanded as he ran across the pockmarked rock, feet nimbly avoiding multicolored eggshells and long dead remains as he leapt across crevasses riddling the earth.
GB gestured his skull towards the massive opening Draco was intensely studying. She's hurt, but no one is going near her until she calms down. She's feral right now. He shivered, then hummed to himself to calm down. A tiny, weak chorus answered him and he blinked.

"Was that the first time tha-" Blue was cut off by Draco swinging his skull around and snapping his massive jaws inches from his face. Blue froze, choking on his breath in the sudden jumpscare before blinking and frowning at the flashes of magic inside the other's mouth. "Are you about to kill me?" He questioned in a serious tone. The low hum stopped, quieting.
No. Came the curt reply. Draco growled and moved away, shuffling his wings as bones clattered against themselves. Why are you here.
"GB told me to come. You're smothering him.. I think his children just hummed for the first time." His voice dropped as he mentioned that last part, recognizing the shock on the skeledragon's face. He faced GB, who averted his gaze in embarrassment.
I think they're scared. He explained softly, crouching down.

Something in Draco's eyelights flashed; he took a step back and settled on the ground, a deep humming emanating from his very Soul, vibrant and almost earthshaking with it's baritone note. Blue was frozen, unsure of whether he should leave and let them have their moment or stay to keep them company.
Small, high-pitched whines responded from GB before he joined in with his own note, slowly closing his sockets and leaning into his partner.
A slightly deeper chorus started singing from Draco and Blue blinked in tandem with the skeledragon. The very air was vibrating with the force of the song between the two, and it made him smile. They were kind of cute together.

He shook his skull and turned away, letting the dragonic skeletons have their space. He froze when he felt blue magic take ahold of him, lifting him up and backwards before depositing him in front of GB, who's sockets were still closed. The humming was so loud and close by it made his entire body shake. A talon wrapped around him and pulled him towards his friend, and it took a second before it occurred to him that he was being used as something to cuddle.
Stars, you've got to be kidding me. He sighed, crossing his arms and rolling his eyelights as GB hugged him and Draco curled up around his lover with Blue stuck in the skeleblaster's grip.
I'm not a stuffed toy! He protested silently to himself, pushing weakly at the bones wrapped around his middle.
Eragon, I hope you'll arrive soon... I need help. Damnit.

He sighed and resigned himself to wait, glancing every so often at his surroundings for signs of Eragon or even Saphira emerging from the cave. The was nothing. He was getting bored.
How long do they plan on doing this for? He found himself asking, craning his skull to peer up at the faces of the other two. They appeared for all the world as if they were asleep, but they can't hum while sleeping... right?
The more he thought about it, the less sure of it he was.

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Where stories live. Discover now