A Long Chat

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As they all gathered inside the pavilion after Eragon had managed to give.. something close to a speech, they were greeted with another crowd, this time of military leaders, nobles, and any human that held any amount of distinction. Saphira and GB stuck their head and skull inside at the back where flaps had been pulled back to admit their presence.

And thus began what seemed to be hours of nobles and the like greeting Eragon, the Twins watching from close by as Nasuada bade each guest to leave after meeting with the Rider.
Nightmare was grinning as Eragon tirelessly shook hands with each and every one of them, Dream shooting him a look every time it got too wide.
Of course, Nightmare was thoroughly enjoying Eragon's frustration, being exempt from dealing with the humans himself.

After a while, Dream started making an effort to greet the humans himself, dragging a very indignant Nightmare with him, to which said being was mortified that the Guardian of Positivity would make him suffer like this.
Admittedly, Dream didn't care, because his aura automatically made the humans eager to speak to them, only adding to Nightmare's silent despair and betrayal.

It wasn't long before it was turned right around again, Eragon quietly watching the nobles reactions to the Urgals behind Nasuada, giving Nightmare the idea to silently intimidate those who spoke with him in the most innocent ways he could think of, both drawing great amusement from the various fearful reactions- much to Dream's enormous disappointment.

The Guardian of Positivity gave up when Blue decided to join in, despite having previously been entirely uninvolved. He was simply drawn in by the prospect of trolling as inconspicuously as possible. He only stopped when Dream shot him a look, choosing to strike up a conversation with the Twins instead. This, Nightmare was happy to do. Though in any case, he would have been happier to fight Galbatorix himself than to deal with so many pointless humans.

After a while, they all hesitated, glancing at Eragon in near unison as both Twins and Blue were aware of the human reaching the very extent of social interaction he could handle.

In this, Blue glanced over at GB on the opposite side of the pavilion to Saphira. The skeleblaster immediately lifted his skull off the ground- and just as his deep, thunderous growl echoed through the crowd, Saphira's guttural voice did as well, shaking the ground itself.

The pavilion went dead silent, all eyes on one of the dragons. None of the humans dared stay any longer, excusing themselves and collecting their stuff as they hurried away. Nightmare grinned openly at their fear, Dream pretending he didn't know him as Blue hid a giggle, Error walking up from behind and watching silently.

It didn't help when Saphira started impatiently tapping her claws on the ground. Blue snickered, GB chortling softly as everyone filed out rapidly. The other members of the Wyrdaí Islingrya soon decided they were unneeded, ushering the humans out before leaving themselves with hardly a goodbye in some cases.

Eventually, all that was left was Nasuada, Orrin, Error, the Twins, Arya, Reaper, a confused Abyss, the 6 Nighthawk guards, the dragons and their Riders.

As the tent flap flapped close, Nasuada sighed, Orrin rolling his shoulders beneath his robes, Error grinning maniacally as he whipped out several beanbags, Abyss yelping as one nearly knocked him over. Blue snorted at the panic, GB slinking out of the pavilion to change into his more humanoid shape.

Nasuada turned to Saphira as several others found seats.
"Thank you, Saphira. And I would GB as well, if he had chosen to stay. I am sorry that I had to subject the lot of you to the misery of public presentation, but I am sure you are aware, you all occupy your own exalted positions among the Varden and otherwise, and I cannot keep you from the masses any longer."

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