A God's Discovery of Self

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((Major Lore incoming!~))

He arrived in a particularly large cave set into the quartz walls, nearly sighing in relief that he didn't screw up and teleport directly into a wall, but cutting himself off when he heard Eragon giving Nasuada a report via scrying somewhere below in another cave.

Error huffed to himself, debating whether or not he wanted to reveal himself just yet and deciding against it, curling up in an awkward position to wait for later. His sockets quietly slid shut.

Suddenly they were slamming open again as a snarl startled him awake without warning, lifting his skull to see Saphira in the entrance, defensive and bewildered at the sight of him. Eragon appeared from behind, having scrambled up the cut ledges to see something he visibly recoiled in alarm from.

Error just snorted, reaching with his mind to scoff at them.
Calm down already, it's just me. He explained before struggling to find his feet, bumping his skull on the ceiling.
"Error?!" Eragon exclaimed in disbelief.
Yes. He sighed, leaning over the dragon and Rider.

What happened to you? Saphira questioned, baffled. Error studied one of his bladed limbs absently.
It turns out that all gods can turn into a giant.. thing of some kind and I wasn't aware of it before. I did find out how to shrink it to a more manageable size, but I'm still working on how to revert back. And no, I'm not asking for help on this. I did it one way, and I can do it back.

"You were larger before?" Eragon asked, staring. A few spines rose from his backside before dropping back down.
Bigger than Life and Reaper were, and they were already standing a little taller than Gûntera and I'm pretty sure you got a decent look at that prick at least.
The human blanched at that, realizing just how tremendous that must have been.

"We were wondering where you had gone." He muttered, peering at the numerous legs.
"Are you.. part spider?"
Lifting a leg and wiggling the talons at the human, Error answered. I'm just part everything. Though that part does look a little spidery. He noted, setting the foot back down and finally lowering his bulk to the ground, curling in his legs.
I'm honestly surprised I'm not top-heavy as it is.

You have far too many limbs. Saphira stated flatly, eyes narrowed.
On that part, I agree. I have wings and don't know what to do with them.
"Can you fly?"
Haven't tried, doesn't look possible.
"You are winged."
Error shrugged, leaning on his bladed hands and playing cat's cradle with his smaller set of still skeletal arms.

There was a long pause before Saphira sat, curling her tail around Eragon as the human spoke again.
"Do all the gods have a form like yours?" He inquired, sitting and leaning on the tail behind him.
Error blinked, then chuffed in amusement.
Hell no. I think I'm the only one this fucking weird. Reaper was basically a giant fancy raven and Life this.. goat headed snake with legs covered in grass with tree horns.

He then rid himself of the strings, growling softly before pulling back the mantis arms and giving the pair a look.
I'm not gonna pretend I didn't hear it, so I'll get to the point; you flew here without stopping all the way from the other end of Alagaësia without sleep and now are planning to go from here all the way to Ellesméra without rest. I know you're not built for that. So both of you, go the fuck to sleep.

Eragon recoiled in surprise, Saphira leaning back with her chin to her neck, irritated.
I can handle that distance. She argued.
Not without sleep. Error replied.
I've learned, I know you can't pull that off.
And you speak as if you do the same regularly.
You're not a god of breaking things now, are you? Get out of here, sleep, and we'll talk about all this in the morning. Got it? He gestured to himself before pointing at her with his bladed limb, glaring pointedly.

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