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The goddess reached into a portal of her own, making to grab three polished stone mugs, setting one on the vine curled around her so that it would shift around and reach Error, letting Reaper take the second.

Ignoring the vine offering him tea, Error stood up.
"No, no, no, how are you both some singular deity? You don't just name-drop like that and then move on!"
"We're not." Reaper stated, sipping the drink. "We're still talking about this. It'd be unfair not to, obviously."

Tension fading slightly, Error glared at him as the god of death stared back, slurping loudly. Eventually Reaper snorted, gasping as he spewed the drink out of the cup.
"Nononono- ah dang it." He watched the golden brown liquid drip onto the dead leaves beneath him, the plant somehow rejuvenating from the drink.
"The hell..?" Error stared as Reaper looked on impassively, holding the mug away.

"'Kay. Nevermind the tea I guess." He sighed before regarding the bewildered glitch.
"You remember how she explained how deities might split themselves up to experience.. existing?"
"And you just happen to know where you came from unlike the Twins." Error deadpanned.
"I mean, we do now. It happened after we arrived here, just like your strings finally became yours. Samsara reduced themself to live and that formed our universe and now that we're in Alagaësia, we know who we once were. Samsara was close to Emotion, Error. But now Emotion is healing into a physical form and we're never going to be Samsara again. We're just the split pieces that are happier being what we are now, even in light of what we now remember."

Error slowly crossed his arms, suspicious.
"When were you even going to tell Geno about this?" He asked cautiously.
Reaper looked away, stressed.
"I'm not even sure how I'd start, if I'll be honest." He admitted quietly, staring up through the pines at the sky above.

Error slumped, understanding. "Oh." He muttered.
Then he frowned. "Was there a deity for-" "Oh you and Ink? Nah, that's something Fate decided to fuck over when it was originally managed by Balance." Reaper snorted, waving his drink. "Don't worry, you're not also part of a forgotten deity."

He sighed, falling back into his beanbag and finally taking the drink, staring at it for a moment.
"What the hell even is this?"
"Tea I brewed." Life explained with an amused smile.
Error gave her a look, glancing at the re-alived fern.
"Did ya put a lot of healing into it? It's inedible for me then."

She winced slightly, sipping hers. "Think of it as a brief experiment. Though again, I should have warned you of that as well."
"Fuck, is it habitual for you to forget other's permission for things?"
Life bit her lip.
"Yes." Reaper stated drily. "It's been ongoing for a few centuries."
Skull falling back, Error sighed. "Of course."

After a moment, he glanced at the mug clasped between his phalanges. "If you know I react badly to healing magic, what were you trying to achieve here?"
"I was curious if your rejection of healing magic stemmed from Fate's hold over you. I wanted to see if it may have become inert since arriving here. You have not tried to test as much, that I can see." She spoke, waving her hand to the side.

Error stared at her from his nearly flattened position on the beanbag, then to the mug in his hand. After a moment, he shrugged.
"Eh, fuck it." He lifted his arm stiffly and simply poured it's contents onto his face from two feet above, Life gasping and stiffening at the sight. Reaper automatically guffawed before restraining himself to snickers, spilling more of his own drink in the process.

Error let his arm fall back down and dropped the mug, soaking in the hot liquid as it seeped into the cloth. Everyone was silent, waiting for a reaction before he finally sucked in air between his teeth, glitches slowly increasing.
"You might be onto something; it's not nearly as bad as usual." He noted, still not moving.

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα