Matt Imagine

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You ran as fast as you could, not knowing where you was going. You can't believe what just happened.


"I don't love you, I never have. It was all just a joke, me and Melissa made a bet.. And guess what? I got $1500 from it." He laughs, Melissa joining in, also cackling like the bitch she is.

You don't say anything because you don't know what to say.

"I told you he doesn't love you. Remember?" Melissa says, still laughing like a hyena on crack.

"Now can you leave, I don't want you here." He coldly says. Heartless manwhore.

"B-b..-I..I-" You say on the verge of tears.

He scoffs.

"(Y/n) just go, I want to spend some time with Mel. Oh.. and don't bother coming here again 'cause yanno, we're over If you can't tell.." He chuckles again.

You started to walk towards the door of his house, you looked back when you reached the door.

"I can't believe you. After everything I had done for you." Your eyes now filling with water.

"Ok, you can go now." Melissa says impatiently.

8 months down the drain.

You slammed the door and ran away, as far as you could not knowing where you were going. Tears streaming down your face, as you started feeling pathetic and stupid for telling him that you loved him.

Flashback over

You were now In a field next to a well. Right there you just slid down and sat on your butt with your arms around your knees, pulling them into your chest.

You just cried and cried, not knowing what to do.

"Um.. are you alright there? You're crying quite hard." You look up to see a boy. He has dirty blonde hair which is pushed into the most perfect quiff, he has big brown eyes, and a cute nose. He's quite tall, you can tell he goes to the gym, but he's not that muscular.

You look up to him but don't say anything, you give a weak smile but then remember what just happened and broke down again.

"He-Hey now, don't cry sweetie, it'll be fine." He says reassuringly. He sits next to you and puts an arm around you, his other hand placed at the back of your head while you sob into his chest.

"Shhh, it's okay.." He says as he rubs your back trying to calm you down.

You came to the point where you had no more tears, like you cried so much that you had no more tears to come out. You slowly start to look up at him.

"Thank you.. f-for-" Before you get the chance to even tell him what you're thanking him for he cuts you off.

"Don't worry about it." He smiles sympathetically down at you, which was warm and touching. You lay your head on his chest, even though he's a stranger and you don't even know his name.. You feel like you've known him for years.

There's a moment of silence, it was awkward but peaceful.

"Matthew Espinosa." He breaks the silence, looking at you. You look up and hesitantly wipe away the dried tears.

"(Y/f/n) (Y/l/n)." You introduce yourself with a cheeky smile, forgetting about what just happened.

"That's a beautiful name.".

"Well, thank you? I guess." You say chucking a bit, still wiping away the dried up tears.

"How about an ice cream? To cheer you up a bit?" He offers.

"Um, that'd be great actually. Thank you."

4 Years Later

"So um, one day, one very bright, sunny day, I stumbled upon this well. It was quite something as whenever I would sit by it, it gave me this sensation, like, I was happy and I wasn't depressed or sad at all, like everything felt so right when I was there. It was honestly like a fairytale where everything was bright, and so happy." He chuckles slightly to himself.

After a second or two he carried on with his speech.

"One day.. I had this urge to go to the well.. It was different, like it had nothing to do with how I was feeling. Something was telling me to go there, so... I went. As I was approaching the well, I heard sobs, and as I made my way to locate where the cries were coming from I saw the most beautiful, gorgeous girl ever. And let me tell you all, her eyes were something.. and they still are." He says looking over at you, smiling and admiring the way you're looking at him.

He continued. "I sat down next to her and talked to her, I didn't ask what was wrong because I felt like it wasn't my right to know, I only just met her.. y'know? Anyways.. she cried into my chest, holding onto me. I told her my name, she told me hers, I swear, she was so gorgeous, I'm sorry I keep saying it but, she just.. Wow.. she still is." He says winking at you. You blush and look away, trying to contain the tears that were forming.

"I asked if she wanted to go out.. Get some ice cream, and she accepted the offer... I was so worried if she was going to reject me and embarrass me. But no, she didn't.."

He paused again, and looked at you. Smiling to himself.

"I still remember the way she wiped her tears. She done it exactly the same when I asked her and she screamed yes.. And here we are now."

He took a moment to look around at the guests, then looked back at you.

"I love you, (y/n). Thank you for making me the luckiest man alive." He says wiping a tear coming from your eyes.

You blush again, shyly looking into Matt's eyes.

"I love you too. I really do. Saying yes and marrying you was the best thing I have ever done." You say, earning a few chuckles and tears from your family and friends.

"To (Y/n) and Matt, may both of you live happily ever after, together." Your dad toasts, standing up and raising a glass.

"To (y/n) and Matt." Everyone repeats in sync.

Lmao the Matt feels

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