''No, I just know stupid people when I know them.''

''Must hurt looking in the mirror then...every morning.''

''Oh shut up..You...I...'' I smiled.

''Are you girls okay?'' My Mum turned around and probably saw Emma with an extremely angry look on her face while I was just laughing.

''Yeah, we're great.'' My smile grew. Emma's mum appeared.

''Well girls, we're gonna go look at stuff with Luke, since you two are older and seem to be getting along fine...'' My smile disappeared.

''We'll leave you two to bond and we'll meet you back here at 5 for dinner.''

I looked at my phone. It was 2 o clock. 2 O CLOCK. 3 hours to kill...with...her?!

''No, no, no..I'm sure it'd be better if Emma went alone and I came with you guys ...''

''No, come on, better time for you guys to bond! Go get some ice cream or something.''

''Yeah come on Nina, it'll be great.'' I looked up to see Emma, smiling. You know that smile when people older than you, brothers, sisters, their friends, or just evil young adults normally have when they're about to kill you for whatever you've done, well yeah, that's how she was smiling.

''Great, well see you in a few!''

''But...but...'' My Mum, Emma's mum and Luke walked off.

''Guess who's speechless now?'' She laughed and glared at me.

Great. Fantastic. I was going to die and well...NOBODY CARED. Okay, breathe ..breathe, maybe she's not a psychotic bitch. Maybe she's nice, this is just an act, she's actually extremely weak, kind and nice on the inside, this is just a ...shell...of somesort.

''This is gonna be fun.'' She pushed me forward.

''Well, where are we going?''

''I'm going to see a boy I met at the hotel last night, you're gonna come with me, sit and do nothing while I talk to him and maybe even....''

''Wow..wow...woah..spare me the details, look I'll just go back to my hotel room, I'll watch a lil tv, then we'll meet up 10 minutes before and we'll pretend we had an excellent day together.''

She laughed and looked at me.

''You know, that's a really really...............bad idea.''


''Cause that's mean you'll be having fun, and I want you having anything but fun, cause you're an idiot and a dork, and an annoying one who deserves to have no fun so move it or lose it.''

Nope, she isn't kind or nice...she is a psychotic bitch.

We went along to this guys hotel room in our hotel and we knocked on the door.

The guy opened it. His name was Jackson. He had short hair, spiked up, extremely large muscles, gorgeous face, with amazing cheekbones...anyway. He was hot ..but..

''Eyes off.'' Emma nudged me in the rib, well more of a stab with the elbow in my rib, which hurt like hell.

''Hey Emma! Who's this!?''

''I'm N...'' I put my hand out.

''She's no one, no one at all.'' She pushed me hand back. He looked at her funny and shrugged.

''Well in you both come, Emma and...no one.'' He shrugged again and they both went on the sofa. I was told to sit at the table in the other room. Yeah these hotel rooms were h.u.g.e. I yawned, I didn't even have my phone or anything because my Mum said that I shouldn't be on technology all the time.

I sat and stared out the window and started swinging on my seat. It was an amazing view. Just then, a boy came into the dining room, just in a towel around his waist. He had blonde flicky hair with little bits of brown through it, he had a nice body and a gorgeous face. (Looks like Ross Lynch, who I'm basing him off) He turned to look at me, not knowing I was there.

''Oh crap, oh my...'' He quickly grabbed onto his towel making sure it was secure so I wouldn't see anything below. I giggled a little. He smiled, slowly.

''Who..who are you?''

''Oh, sorry just here cause my ..well she isn't really my friend, i would say..uh....my...well, a family friend is her...okay look, a psychotic bitch dragged me here to see your ...brother I'm guessing and I have to sit in here, I'm sorry....'' He laughed.

''A psychotic bitch huh?'' I nodded slowly.

''Look if you let me just put some clothes on...we can talk..''

''Or you can just keep them off.'' I mumbled.

''What?'' He knew exactly what I said.

''Nothing..'' I smirked and he laughed. He quickly got dressed and came running out with wet hair and sat beside me.

We talked for ages and ages, which made time go so much quicker. We both burst out laughing when Emma and Jackson came in.

''Who's this?''

''Just my annoying dweeb of a little brother. I thought I told you to stay in your room!!!''

''I was hungry, jeez, then I walked into...Nina.'' He stared into my eyes and we both smiled.

There was a silence. Emma and Jackson were probably talking to us, but I was completely lost in his bold brown eyes. Emma snapped her fingers infront of my face which made me jump a little bit and same with the boy.

''hey hey hey, we need to go.''

''Hm, right yeah.''

''Wait, I didn't catch your name.'' He looked at me with his beautiful brown eyes.



We shook hands and for that moment, I just thought thank god for this moment.

Wait I have a sister?! (Selena Gomez story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin