Aesop is sick so sad

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This chapter was heykimii 's idea :)



MetalAttractor: Ems is Aesop doing any better?

EmilyDrier: Not really... his temperature is still high. Although, he says he's feeling just fine.

QueenBee: Bullshit. No one feels "just fine" with 39°C

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Asoup: I've been feeling okay this whole time. Emily just pointed it out
Asoup: I mean we don't need to take these proportions

TotallyNotChloe: Aesop you begged to be saved  while you were chaired

Asoup: so? I wanna live

EmilyDrier: Yep. He's definitely sick.

Asoup: that's not my problem u.u

CowardBrat: YES IT IS WDYM

BottomInDenial: Aesop if I were you, I would take the day off. I'm sure Mary will understand. I mean, you can't have a good performance if you're sick.

Asoup: the thing is, I'm not sick ;)


Asoup: look, I have a match in 20 minutes. I can prove to you that I'm just fine.

EmmaWoody: I don't think that's a good idea Aesop...

Asoup: no one caaaaressssss


BlindfoldOn: so? How did it go?

EmilyDrier: Of course it didn't. The guy passed out while embalming Mags.

DanceToForget: I was getting out of the coffin and there he was, lying on the floor...


DanceToForget: hey Aesop. You good there huns?

Asoup: x_x

DanceToForget: no❤
DanceToForget: "Follow me!"

EmilyDrier: ah shit-

End of Flashbacc~~~🐀🐀🐀

EmilyDrier: I just took his temperature again. He's at 40°C

Rat: Jesus fucking Christ no wonder the whole fandom says he's hot

MailMan: please tell me he's asleep

EmilyDrier: No... He's having one of those emotional episodes that sometimes Tracy has when she's drunk.

CowardBrat: thanks for bringing me into this?

Sonic: thanks for bringing back great memories 🙄

EmilyDrier: He's just saying he wants Joseph to take care of him instead lol he told me to go fuck myself 3 times already.

BottomInDenial: seems normal to me.

EmilyDrier: also he started having an existential crisis because he said, and I quote, "I've been a terrible person towards Ed🚗 and he's still so nice to me. I hope he can forgive me one day"

CoordinatingThemAll: I think he's dying

DaVinky: aw I'll always forgive him

Rat: what did I say about him being Jesus himself?

WheresMyMelanin: yes yes

Cockroach: I mean, they do say drunk and ill words are what you think sober.

Drinkx3: can we use this against him?!?!

FiveOfMeButBritish: no love, we can't

Drinkx3: :v

CursesToCurse: bruh just bring him Joseph. I mean the guy can't get sick.

EmilyDrier: he's on his way

Rat: they're gonna bang for sure

LuckyGay: I swear to god Luca-

Rat: what?!?!

Rat: do you know how many fanfictions exist out there where Aesop is sick and Joseph has to "take care of him"???!

TinyWand: yea... we're aware

BottomInDenial: why do you know about the existence of those-

Rat: so as I was saying

EmilyDrier: oh he's here.
EmilyDrier: ...
EmilyDrier: when I tell you they started making out-

Rat: told ya

Balls_InMyFace: get out of there if you don't wanna get scarred for life

Rat: unless you wanna make part of a threesome

EmilyDrier: they kicked me out of my own office!

Rat: no threesome I see

OwlLover: oof sucks to be you Ems

EmilyDrier: yeah no I'm out of here


At Night~~~🐀🐀🐀

As Emily walked out of her office at the Sacred Heart Hospital, after cleaning the mess Aesop and Joseph left (if you know what I mean ;)))), she came face to face with Luca sitting on her door step.

"God damn it Luca, it's the third rat this week."

"Kiss me."

"What 😃"

"You spent the whole day in contact with Aesop, right?! I need to get sick so Ed🚗, Victor, and Andrew can take care of me!"

"Just get layed. It's not that hard."

"Easy for you to say. Andrew is really religious so every time we do something naughty 7u7 he starts praying for forgiveness."

"Oh God"

"That's exactly what he says. And Victor? Victor is just way too innocent to understand if I'm flirting or being love dovey."

"What about Ed🚗?"

"We're not even dating, what do you mean? The guy will slap me in the face if I even try to talk to him. I can't risk it."

"I think he wouldn't mind though-"

"Shut up Emily no one cares!"


"Now kiss me."


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