One Mistake :^

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A part of this chapter was based on Bxbbling_Tii 's idea ^^



Rat: I'm never playing Mario Kart against Luchino ever again
Rat: the guy almost threw me out the window!!

CoordinatingThemAll: And that's on ✨bad loser✨

Dora_TheExplorer: I think he's just short fused lol

MetalAttractor: Honestly I thought Joseph would be more like that, not Luchino

LuckyGay: He's an aristocrat

MetalAttractor: So?
MetalAttractor: Aristocrats don't have feelings now?

LuckyGay: They do but he was educated not to lose his temper
LuckyGay: Cuz if he did, his money would be flying out the window

CursesToCurse: Honestly, I used to think something like that about Vera

Perfumes&Co: uh rude much?

CowardBrat: it's all about habits and costums

Sonic: yeah when you're educated a certain way or lived a certain life style it's not easy to change

BlindfoldOn: yeah, for example, you can't expect Naib to wake up late

MetalAttractor: You really can't. Sometimes it's free day and I wake up at 4 am to the sound of Naib training outside :/

BottomInDenial: I would like to argue against that, but you're not wrong. Also I'm not in the mood to fight :/

BlindfoldOn: or like you can't expect WuChang to forget about stuff
BlindfoldOn: it's all in the ✨history✨

WheresMyMelanin: sometimes I wonder what kind of conversations the hunters have when we're not with them



UglySlenderman: okay whom in the fuck tried to eat my bottle of shampoo

MooseHead_Wall: okay first, it's not like you need it
MooseHead_Wall: And second, I was hungry


That1SpiderInMyRoomAt3AM: fckn beasts...

TentacleHentai: you think that's bad? Try to take a shower at the same time of the person who's room is right above yours
TentacleHentai: like wtf Antonio I don't know if that thing on the ceiling is your hair or an amount of old moss

KillingMeSoftlyWithHisSong: hey it's not my fault this manor hasn't been remodeled in centuries!

Girl_In_Red: Me, Joseph, and Miss Nightingale had a reunion about that just a week ago.

Polaroid: yeah we can't have actual workers in here, so we were planing on stopping the matches for a month so we could all work on it. Including the survivors

WangChu: oh what a genius idea 🙄

Girl_In_Red: you have a better one smart ass?

WangChu: never said I did lmao

ReasonWhyIHateKids: You guys already started, right?

AnnaBanana: what do you mean, Robbie?

ReasonWhyIHateKids: Mr. Carl was in uncle Joseph's room two days ago. They were working on that, right?

Snek: w h a t

Polaroid: Robbie! It's not okay to spy on other people!

ReasonWhyIHateKids: but Mr. Carl sounded like he was in pain!!

Girl_In_Red: Joseph. You, Me, DM, now.

1 participant is now offline.

Polaroid: great.

1 participant is now offline.

ReasonWhyIHateKids: did I do something wrong?

Gaysha: no honey it's fine. Joseph just needs to be reminded of some stuff.


DM from Girl_In_Red to Polaroid.

Girl_In_Red: what was that all about?

Polaroid: it's not what it looks like, I swear.

Girl_In_Red: then explain it to me.

Polaroid: we were playing Mario Kart?

Girl_In_Red: Joseph. I want the truth.

Polaroid: Mary please don't tell Miss Nightingale. I can't risk losing my position.
Polaroid: It's the only thing I have now, please.
Polaroid: I'm begging you, I'll do anything. Anything, I swear!
Polaroid: Forbid me to rank for months, but please don't take this away from me.

Girl_In_Red: Joseph, you're one of my best friends, but it's not up to me. These are the rules!

Polaroid: Jack is always assaulting Mr. Subedar and no one does anything!
Polaroid: I care about consent, and Aesop is one of the few people that I actually
Polaroid: you know what, nevermind.
Polaroid: do whatever you please.
Polaroid: I already lost everything that made me happy in my life so

Girl_In_Red: is Mr. Carl that important to you..?

Polaroid: He's the only thing I'm holding onto, Mary...

Girl_In_Red: fine.
Girl_In_Red: I won't tell Miss Nightingale, and I'll tell the others to keep it a secret too.
Girl_In_Red: Just try to be more discrete next time, okay?
Girl_In_Red: we have a child living with us.

Polaroid: I promise!
Polaroid: Thank you, Mary.
Polaroid: I really owe you this one.

Girl_In_Red: chicken nuggets for life?

Polaroid: Y E S

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