Merry Crisis

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"Merry Crisis, everyone!!!"

Everyone got out of their rooms, still sleepy, to find the source of the scream.

"Tracy, it's 8 am. Go back to sleep." Eli growled at the girl standing triumphantly in the middle of the hallway.

"Come on guys!! WAKY WAKY BITCHES!"

"Tracy, we're gonna go back to sleep." Fiona said as she was about to close the door of her room.

She sighed "Your gifts are down stairs."

Everyone rushed back outside and ran past her.

This, ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary folks, is how you wake up the Oletus manor on Christmas eve.


"I wonder what it is!!!" Kreacher exclaimed, shaking the box that had his name on it.

"Alright everyone, listen up!"

All eyes were on Tracy, who stood on the couch.

"We are a lot of people, so the Secret Santa had to happen. So anon got a gift for each one of you."

"Did the hunters do this too?"

"Compare the number of hunters to the number of survivors. Of course they did! Those bitches aren't special."

"Gooooood morning everyone!~" Galatea sang as she came in the room with some other hunters.

"*GASSSP* SO MANY PRESENTS!!! ☆0☆" Robbie and Gaby exclaimed as they threw themselves on the pile of gifts.

Demi smiled as she placed Sam's cradle with him inside, next to the tree. The baby laughed as Robbie and Gaby would move around him with the boxes.

"Now now, guys. You need to wait until tonight to open the presents." Michiko said.


"JACK NO ONE GOT YOU ANYTHING!!" Lucky yelled back.


"Actually... the kids may open theirs now. Unless they want to wait." Tracy said, sending a look of question towards the two.


"Okay then! Find the box with your name on it!"

Gaby and Robbie started searching desperately for their names.

Naib pulled Tracy aside and whispered to her: "you do realize they can't read, right?"

"They're literally in a groupchat."



"Okay which one of you shitheads burned the oven AGAIN?" Joseph asked the survivors.

"So what? The oven was already dead."

"It was the only thing that made us have good meals..."

"BITCH AM I A JOKE TO YOU??" Tracy yelled as she and Luca tried to fix the oven.

"I DID IT! I'M A GENIUS! Praise me UwU" Luca shouted in victory.

"Take back what you just said, grandpa." Wu Chang smirked at him, getting glares from the photographer.


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