Jack The S3x Offender

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FiveOfMeButBritish: People!
FiveOfMeButBritish: A rat ate my sandwich!

Rat: I didn't eat anything!

FiveOfMeButBritish: No, not you!

Rat: oh.
Rat: Well that's a surprise.

FiveOfMeButBritish: The other one!

Luca_Salsa: He's talking about me

FiveOfMeButBritish: Why would you eat my sandwich?!
FiveOfMeButBritish: I was hungry :(

Luca_Salsa: it was delightful u.u

Asoup: omfg...
Asoup: I'm surrounded by beasts...

DoraThe_Explorer: Rats*

Asoup: Yeah that works too.

FiveOfMeButBritish: I beg your pardon

OwlLover: p a r d o n

FiveOfMeButBritish: I still want my sandwich!

Luca_Salsa: I can give it back but it will taste like my breakfast and saliva.

PortalsForLife: Please don't make yourself throw up!
PortalsForLife: That's bad for you...

Luca_Salsa: I was kidding
Luca_Salsa: But yea I'm still hungry

FiveOfMeButBritish: are you for fucking real...

DanceToForget: don't you curse young man!

FiveOfMeButBritish: how old do you think I am?...

DanceToForget: ... I really don't want to answer that question.

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Drinkx3: I hate my life

Asoup: omg same sis

Drinkx3: Why the fuck
Drinkx3: Is it so hard to decode with you, Naib?!

BottomInDenial: I'm sowwy

WheresMyMelanin: You always fail the ciphers.

BondageKink: I have to agree on that.
BondageKink: Naib, you're a great friend (no homo)

BottomInDenial: Omfg...

BondageKink: But the fact that you're always failing ciphers...

BottomInDenial: I said I'm sorry. Damn...

CoordinatingThemAll: Guys have you ever stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, Naib has a reason?

BottomInDenial: Yeah have you??

Luca_Salsa: oh yeah the PTSD thing, right?

CoordinatingThemAll: bingo

Drinkx3: oh sorry, Naib. I didn't remember that

BottomInDenial: It's okay. I don't remember stuff either.

MetalAttractor: That's troublesome-

BottomInDenial: :D

BondageKink: okay but even I would panic with what happened in there--

RobotsForALiving: I'm scared. What happened in there?

BottomInDenial: Jack happened

Luca_Salsa: oof the ugly slenderman

BottomInDenial: he sexualy assaulted me!

MailMan: oh boy :O
MailMan: Are you okay?

WheresMyMelanin: yea, love, he's okay.
WheresMyMelanin: Jack was just after him the whole match.
WheresMyMelanin: like we weren't even there.

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