The tale of the traumatized

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Gaysha: And now I want an explanation, Leo.

Stitches: so Miss Behamfil and Mr Subedar called me because they wanted to match

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Stitches: so Miss Behamfil and Mr Subedar called me because they wanted to match. More like a custom match.
Stitches: And I was bored so I agreed

KillingMeSoftlyWithHisSong: why would they want to match at 3 am?

Stitches: Miss Behamfil wanted Mr Subedar to help her train her aim.

Girl_In_Red: The girl really wants to improve her aim damn

Polaroid: makes sense I guess
Polaroid: they were both in war so
Polaroid: Mr Subedar could be a good teacher

UglySlenderman: I thought Mr Subedar and Mr Campbell were dating? 🙄

Snek: They are. Your point?

UglySlenderman: isn't it obvious?

Snek: no because Miss Behamfil is like 17 and Mr Subedar is like 35...
Snek: it's literally ✨illegal✨

UglySlenderman: nah the girl is not that young-

Snek: oh yes stripper she is
Snek: for a reason Miss Bourbon doesn't give her Dovlin to her

UglySlenderman: because she has a gun?

Snek: I was gonna say because she's a minor but that works too-

PennywiseOnCrack: LMFAO you can't get drunk with a sip on a drink asiehiwsb

Lizzzard: the girl carries a gun with her let's not take risks-
Lizzzard: the survivors only need us to attack them
Lizzzard: they don't need the 17 year old with a gun to do that

ReasonWhyIHateKids: why can Miss Behamfil have a gun and I can't? :(

LightningMcQueen: Because you're 6 Robbie...

Stitches: With what I've seen, Jack, their relationship is just like an older brother/younger sister one. Mr Subedar yells at her everytime she does something wrong, as small as it might be. And Miss Behamfil won't rest until she gets a complement from the mercenary.

UglySlenderman: you call that older brother/younger sister relationship?
UglySlenderman: I would say general/soldier

KillingMeSoftlyWithHisSong: ISHAOSHEOSH

Polaroid: I have to agree with Jack on this one.

UglySlenderman: See? Even the grandpa knows it.

Polaroid: Because I had a brother, not because I want to take your side.

WangChu: HA

UglySlenderman: >:(

Stitches: Still, I've seen how they get along when they are not training or in matches. If you didn't know their backstories, you would totally say they are siblings.

UglySlenderman: whatever you say man, I still have Polaroid on my side

Polaroid: no, no, he has a point, Jack

UglySlenderman: :v

AnnaBanana: so you're telling me that Mr Subedar gets a whole PTSD panic attack with the beeping of the cipher machines and the toaster, but not with a gun?
AnnaBanana: ✨logic✨

ThemEyesRMad: Maybe because he has Miss Behamfil there with him?

ReasonWhyIHateKids: But isn't Mr Subedar older than Miss Behamfil? Shouldn't he protect her instead?

Gaysha: That is not important, Robbie. You can protect your friends regardless of their age :)

ReasonWhyIHateKids: But Mr Subedar is a man :0

Girl_In_Red: A man can be scared too, Robbie :)
Girl_In_Red: Just because you're a boy, doesn't mean you can't have feelings.

ReasonWhyIHateKids: oooooo

Stitches: I think Burke is right. I remember that when they matched for the first time, Miss Behamfil helped Mr Subedar calm down after he decoded his first cipher machine.
Stitches: He's doing better now anyways so...

Gaysha: I just wanna know when the hell will Miss Zelle give me my personalized music box

Girl_In_Red: excuse me
Girl_In_Red: a what

Gaysha: She promised me she would paint one for me :)

Girl_In_Red: I want one too :(

Gaysha: ask her lol bye

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Girl_In_Red: rude...

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