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Polaroid: can one of you please get Robbie out of here? Like, I love the kid, but it's my free day and I wanna rest :/

Gaysha: he's adorable! You'll have fun with him!

Polaroid: oh mon chéri... no❤

UglySlenderman: besides, what the hell are you even gonna do? Don't act like you're gonna be productive.

Polaroid: I'm just gonna have a day for myself, doing the things I like. Is that too much to ask??

MooseHead_Wall: in this manor, yes it is.

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Girl_In_Red: bonjour bitches

Polaroid: MARY! Oh thank God... could you get Robbie out of here, please?

Girl_In_Red: oh it's your free day, right? Sure! Have some rest, honey!

Polaroid: Thank you!

Girl_In_Red: sike bitch, deal with him like everyone else in this manor does

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Polaroid: :0

WangChu: honestly bro, as many beauty days as you wanna have, they'll never work out :/

Polaroid: hey!

Snek: are you kidding me, Wu Chang? This man is a total dilf!

Polaroid: t-thank you?

UglySlenderman: say something we don't know, Yidhra. Even the survivors know it 🙄

WangChu: seriously, they will be harassing us when they're on the chair. Like, yesterday I chaired Miss Reznik and she straight up said I had a fat ass like????

Gaysha: I think it's kind of a payback they have for us??? Miss Bourbon is always telling me really painful pick-up lines. She once said, and I quote, "is your daddy a baker? Cuz you got a nice set of buns"


Gaysha: oh shut up, Slipper, don't act like it never happened to you.

UglySlenderman: Mr Campbell likes revenge...

Polaroid: well yeah, if you didn't harass Mr Subedar maybe that wouldn't happen 🤡
Polaroid: that's why
Polaroid: ✨consent✨

UglySlenderman: I will hit you with a door.

KillingMeSoftlyWithHisSong: yall should be happy that it only happens to you when they're chaired. I don't know what kind of obsession the survivors and the fandom have with me, but they'll be straight up kiting me and say "hit me harder, daddy" like I'm sorry huh????

WangChu: I mean, you do be lookin fine bro

LightningMcQueen: it should be a crime being that fine 🥵😩

KillingMeSoftlyWithHisSong: I LITERALLY SOLD MY SOUL I--????



That1SpiderInMyRoomAt3AM: but really, have you ever interacted with Mr Balsa?? The man will give you a whole ass list of reasons for why you should rail him I-

TentacleHentai: RIGHT??? LIKE THE OTHER DAY HE TURNED TO ME AND SAID "Before I die, I just want you to know that no, I will not memorize the multiplication table. I have a calculator and a fat ass" LIKE IT WAS SO RANDOM????

ThemEyesRMad: just pretend you're interested and say "oh I'll send you to heaven in 5 seconds, baby" and then the rocket chair starts flying


UglySlenderman: Oh that's not a good idea-
UglySlenderman: once I tried that with Mr Balsa and before the chair flew away, Mr Kreiss, Mr Grantz, and Mx Valden straight up rescued him

Polaroid: good for them?

UglySlenderman: I'm not finished

Gaysha: oop

UglySlenderman: after that, I was the one who had to kite them cuz Mx Valden started beating the shit out of me with a canvas, Mr Kreiss hit me with a shovel, and Mr Grantz's dog started biting me
UglySlenderman: they weren't even a part of that match

Polaroid: he deserves it though... once he said, and I wish I was joking, "Are you my appendix? Cuz I don't know your purpose but I feel like I should take you out."

PennywiseOnCrack: WHAT?!??!?!?!?!

Pervy: Don't the survivors feel uncomfortable? We should respect their boundaries and personal space...

Gaysha: oh baby...
Gaysha: that's far from being an option ❤

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