#8- Where Did Everybody Go?

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Song of the Chapter... Doll House by Melanie Martinez

It's unusual for the Tower to be quiet. It's even more unusual for Peter to enter an empty living room and find all the bedrooms empty as well. It was the summertime and often when the teen slept over, the entire team argued over who gets to spend time with the spider; which Natasha always wins. Today felt off and the young hero hated the feeling in his gut. It was like everyone just vanished and didn't leave any hint at where they disappeared to. Peter checked everywhere as the panic slowly crept in. He hated being alone and though it's thrilling to be Spider Man, he'd never admit that loneliness terrified him.

"Mr. Stark?" The doe eyed teen called out as he walked into the millionaire's lab and searched around. He walked to the holoscreen and began to go on his mentor's computer to see if there was any information where he or the team went.

"Hello, Mr. Parker." Friday's voice rang out as the teen placed his hand on the keyboard and the boy gave a small smile.

"I told you to call me Peter, Ms. Friday." Though he hid this side from the team pretty well, Peter was overly shy and his manners were that of a child raised right. "Um, Ms. Friday, do you know where Mr. Stark, or anyone is right now?" Maybe they had a mission and didn't want to wake the kid? Still, Mr. Stark would've at least left a note and they would definitely be back by now. When Peter was over the tower, the team always made sure their missions didn't last long. They wouldn't leave the spider alone for hours without a hint at what they were doing.

"The boss and team left early this afternoon and hasn't returned since, Peter." The AI responded, leaving Peter confused, worried and slightly hurt. Maybe he was overreacting, maybe he should get out of the tower and clear his head, doing what he always did when he was distressed; he went on patrol.

%%%%%% Time Skip Because Peter Is Adorable %%%%%%%%%%

Why would they leave me alone? I mean, I've never told them my fears, but... I- He shook his head to clear the thoughts and sighed. He was perched on a high rise, not too far from the tower and his eyes were scanning the horizon, hoping the team would be back soon. It was around 5 in the afternoon and though it was the best sleep he ever had when falling asleep next to Tony, he'd wished he woken up when he usually did at 4am. Then maybe he could've tagged along and not been alone in the tower for so many hours. He had only been up for about 4 hours and two of those hours were spent looking for the Avengers all over the tower. When he finally decided he needed to sleep around 12am, he didn't go back to the tower. He didn't feel right being there alone and he didn't want to stay somewhere he probably wasn't wanted.

Peter jumped through his window and sighed. This was such a bad week for May to be gone on a needed vacation. If it weren't for Tony's offer to watch the spider, his aunt wouldn't have left and though Peter hated that he was now left alone, he was glad his aunt was finally able to relax. His aunt did anything she could for her nephew and he always hated how tired she looked after coming home from a long shift at work, no doubt coming back from another extended shift. May Parker always worked extra hours when offered and never turned her boss down. She was always eager to make more money just to get Peter what he wanted when he actually asked for something, which wasn't often.

"Karen, has Mr. Stark tried calling me, yet?" Of course, since Tony made the suit for the teen, he made the AI more teen like and Peter felt as though the AI herself was his friend.

"No word, yet Peter. Would you like me to call him?" Peter sighed and a frown took over his face. He didn't want to annoy his mentor or endanger the team by distracting one of the heroes.

"No, Karen. Just... Notify me when-" Peter cut off, biting his tongue and he squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, opening them to show the tiredness he felt. "If he calls me.." The teen whispered, leaving his mask on as he laid down and stared at the ceiling, not expecting sleep to come to him to grace his aching heart. All he wanted to do was curl up next to his mentor and get back to that blissful sleep only his mentor could help provide.

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