This Is Trash... Sorry

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Warning: the last part of the 2 previous one shots I've post is horrible and short. I don't know why, but I lost interest with the ending and if I think of something better, I will rewrite this trash 🤦‍♀️

It was suspicious the first day he was gone and Harley surely noticed his absence, but the curly haired teen also realized that the stalker’s life doesn’t revolve around him. However, it became apparent to Trish that Peter was missing the second day in and she also saw the impact it had on her disciple. He would gander around a lot more, searching for something and it came to a point where she had to step in. It shocked her at first that he spoke out and spilled the details about the things that would show up on his doorstep. He’s been able to save more money than he usually can since he’s got baskets full of food, drinks, snacks, and other items. Of course, the female librarian knew who the teen was talking about instantly and smiled to herself. His face looked slightly upset as he finished his ramble and he half expected her to believe he was insane. Afterall, not many people come to the library and no one in town interacts with him if they can help it. Imagine the shock he had when all she had on her face was a soft smile and knowing eyes. He became eager as he wanted answers and now that he knew she had them, he’d find out who the person watching him is. 

“Trish, do you know something?” As if she had just snapped back into reality, her eyes widened and Harley raised an eyebrow. She looked at him, before looking away and sighing. It’s been two months since Peter moved here and in those months since meeting the teen, the older librarian had begun to notice how he would immediately go to the back. Not to mention how he had described so much about her disciple, some of the information even unknown to her and he had made her promise not to tell the younger librarian anything. However, she knew it was unfair for the other teen to know so much about her worker and Harley to know nothing about his stalker. 

“Have you heard the Starks moved to town?” Trish started out and Harley tilted his head in confusion. He knew of Tony Stark from overhearing a conversation while walking through town and though it was surprising, he wondered what this had to do with the current topic of conversation.

“Yes, but what does that have to do with my question?” She couldn’t possibly be inferring that the richest man in town who just moved here had something to do with the eyes he’s felt watching him for a couple months and if she were, she’s crazy. There wouldn’t be a need for him to stalk the young librarian and it didn’t make sense. 

“Did you know he has a son?” He nodded slowly in response and furrowed his eyebrows. To him, her words weren’t adding up and deepened the confusion he already felt. He knew the Starks had a son, who didn’t? The Starks are the richest family in New York, possibly the world. Not to mention the fangirls and guys, who would give anything for a chance with the young adult. The son of Tony Stark was 20, 2 years older than Harley and given how many people live in New York, he couldn’t imagine someone of such high status to notice a poor librarian. “His name is Peter.” For a brief second, the image of bright doe eyes flashed through his mind and he shook his head. 

%%%%%%% Time Skip Brought To You By The Missing Spider Returning %%%%%%%

After the conversation with Trish, Peter was gone for another three days and Harley devised a plan. She didn't give him much information and he would just keep an eye on the door the entire day until he finally caught the person stalking him. Trish would watch in amusement and surprisingly, she was gone for the following two days. It oddly saddened Harley when he was 8 days into not having the eyes on him and he was giving up hope. Maybe the stalker lost interest and decided Harley wasn't worth watching anymore. He wasn't that amusing and all of his clothes were worn out; rips, tears and slight tightness throughout the measly amount of clothes he owned. Who would want him? There were plenty of nicely dressed people around town and the young librarian was not one of them. He had nothing to offer and his body wouldn’t be of much help to anyone. Sleep deprivation, starvation, and poor health made it hard for him to do much. Another reason he became a librarian and the sole reason he gets to sit in the back when Trish is working, unless she needs him. It’s very rare that anyone helps the young bookworm and he doesn’t expect it, just accepting the way life is; never complaining since he knew it could always be worse than it is. He was grateful for the one person who continuously looks out for him, though it would be a lie to say he wasn’t upset over the lack of family and friends.

Peter was frozen, eyes locked with bright green ones and arms full of books. He had just returned from England and while away, he had bought literature from across the sea. While in the country across the water, he had gotten multiple fictional books as they were the curly haired teen’s favorite and also brought back some chocolate delicacies he already left at the teen’s shed/home later. The spider came to the building to drop the books off to Trish and to check on his favorite librarian, but was shocked when the teen was sitting behind the desk instead. Peter didn’t have time to climb the wall as Harley’s head snapped to him and now they were in a stare off. The spider didn’t have a clue what to say, nor did he expect to officially meet this way. As he went to move, the books in his arms came crashing to the ground and Harley was quick to help pick them up. The pieces of literature were piled on the desk as they picked them up off the ground and as Harley reached for the last book, his hand grazed against the strangers. Eyes darted to each other and Harley gasped. In front of him, up close was the doe eyed young man who saved him on the dock. The two continued to stare and the younger’s eyes drifted to the book under their overlapping hands.

“I-it’s you..” Green eyes were wide as he made eye contact once more and Peter was speechless. “You’re the one who stopped me from taking a dive into the rough waters and saved me… Thank you.” The two stood and Harley turned his attention to the stack of books, head tilted in confusion. He’s never seen any of these books and knew it couldn’t be from the library, but why did this stranger bring them here? 

“I, uh, I came to see Trish. I thought I’d contribute to her library and um…” The spider couldn’t form words and his face was beet red. He’s never heard Harley actually speak, at least not to him. Sure, he’s heard him read some stories aloud and small conversations with the other librarian. However, his voice sounded sweet and charming when directed at Peter. The spider couldn’t get enough of his voice and though this wasn’t exactly how he’d hoped for them to wait, he wanted to continue to talk to the green eyed beauty. Harley on the other hand, noticed the other boy became nervous and was confused. 

“Who are you..?” A simple question, yet so many possible answers and Peter didn’t know what to say once again. Like when he first walked in and saw the boy, he was frozen in place. Looking into those intrancing green eyes made his mind go completely blank and all energy seemed impossible. It wasn’t until he felt an unfamiliar sensation on his shoulder and saw Harley’s hand on his shoulder he realized the other boy was attempting to get his attention. “Are you okay?” 

“I’m okay.” Harley raised an eyebrow as he waited for an answer to his first question and Peter chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m… I’m Peter, Peter Stark.” Green eyes lit up as bright as a christmas tree and realization replaced the confusion. Looking him up and down, the younger librarian felt insecure. In front of him was a well dressed, high status man and Harley… refer to previous statements on the aforementioned male.

“Are you… are you the one watching me and leaving stuff on my doorstep?” With a nod, Peter continued to stare at the beauty in front of him and the librarian looked to the floor. “I’m sorry, but I- I don’t have anything-” Peter cut off the sad teen with a small chuckle and Harley raised his eyes slowly, wondering what was funny; thinking the spider was laughing at his pitifulness. When he saw the kind doe eyes, all he could see was care and sincerity. 

“I’m just glad to see you’ve been eating…”

^^^^^ This Entire One-Shot Sucks And I apologize. Sorry, But I Somewhat Lost Interest In This One ^^^^^

After hours talking, the two men got everything off their chest and when Harley asked why he helped him, all Peter would do is blush. Imagine Trish’s shock when she entered the library late the next day and came upon the two of them talking. It made her smile that they finally began talking and watched from the sidelines, unwilling to interfere. The two had tons in common and the conversation was never ending. For the following four months, the two would hang out at the library and eat together; though many townspeople were envious and Harley hated the attention. He refused to allow the spider to pay at first, but it became apparent to him that there was no arguing with the older male. Harley met Tony and Pepper, fearing they’d look down on him as many do. Instead, they accepted him and the two are now a couple. 

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