Guilt of Regret from a Best Friend

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Song of the Chapter is... Self Talk By Parker James

Warning!!! Mentions blood, violence, and other possibly triggering words/sentences. Please proceed with caution and don't read if not in a vulnerable or bad mental state.

Just wanted to make a quick side note before continuing the one shot. As I'm sure more than half, if not all of my readers have realized I'm jumping around through the two movies during the past of Peter and as with most fanfictions, I've entwined my own plot with some of the movie's plot to make this story a little more my own style so as to not completely plagiarized the masterpiece of  Stan Lee and Marvel. That being said, I'm sure you've noticed I've excluded a lot of what happened with Tony in his own movie and the point to that was, Peter wasn't around for any of those incidents. He was taken in by May and Ben after everything went down with the kid's parents and though I've made it so the two are a lot closer when the doe eyed child was younger, I made it so during almost all major occurrences Peter was with May. Didn't include that earlier, but the backstory is mainly to focus on Peter and eventually Harley, when I add him shortly. I just wanted to make that clear.

The Expo started off with Iron Man's entrance and the crowd below were astounded. Ben Parker stood on the side of the stage, having been invited as he helped in a lot of Tony's inventions along with Peter. Though May and Peter were invited to stand up on stage as well, they declined as the energetic 9 year old wanted to be in the crows and experience everything the event had to offer. May had to rush to keep up with her nephew while he tried to find the best view and with the event being packed, it became difficult for her to keep up. Peter stood still after running away from his aunt for the hundredth time and watched everything unfold above. The suits turned against the billionaire and as they descended into the sea of people, panic went off amongst the scattering bodies. The doe eyed child turned to find his aunt, but frowned when she wasn't in his line of vision. As he went to go looking for her, his Iron Man mask stayed over his eyes and he played with the fake repulsor attached to his wrist. As he was distracted with searching and playing with his wrist accessory, he didn't notice the crowd departing. Peter suddenly stopped as people ran around him in fear and a bot soloed him out, locking his target. Peter noticed the suit of armor and for a moment wasn't sure what to do as he continued to stay where he was. Slowly, his arm raised as the toy repulsor lit up and before anything could happen, the suit of armor was taken down by none other than Iron Man himself.

"Nice work, kid." Having left May behind and face hidden, the millionaire took off without knowing who he had just saved. Peter on the other hand was still standing frozen in his spot and watching long after the red suit was out of sight. Suddenly, the doe eyed child was picked up as the person holding him ran and it took him a minute to realize it was his Uncle Ben. The man looked out for his wife as he ran and Peter looked around at all the tragedies around him, choking back tears for the people he saw that were injured or worse. His eyes closed after a few more minutes, unable to get rid of the images he had just seen that would remain etched into his memory.

May Parker had gotten carried away by the crowd while looking for her nephew and in fear of getting trampled, worked more so with the crowd. She knew her nephew was smart and hoped he was moving along with the crowd as well, instead of being trampled. It was difficult to move within all the panic and as she finally managed to find a clearing that was long abandoned, her mind went hectic. She was so worried about her nephew and she also worried for her husband who was closer to the rogue suits. She didn't get the chance to see all that had happened since she was looking for Peter and all she knew was the aftermath that she currently had to experience. When the small family was finally reunited, May felt full relief upon seeing her husband and nephew completely unscathed. They made their way to the exit and just as they made it to the front, an explosion went off from behind. All who were in the vicinity of the blast were sent flying in all different directions from the impact. Ben held the small doe eyed child in a death grip and the two were sent into the entrance wall, Ben's back harshly meeting the concrete wall. Meanwhile, May was sent into a different direction and unfortunately, her luck was not as kind. It took Ben several minutes to open his eyes and pain flared throughout his body, mind rattling from the sudden rush. Peter on the other hand was passed out, the impact of the wall being too much for him as well.

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